Gall Stone Flush


I will here summarize diffrent types of most commonly experimented flush procedures for gall stone treatment. These  incluse Chinese Flush, European Flush, Indian Flush and Ayurvedic Flush.

(I) CHINESE FLUSH: This is a common method used by Chinese and Indian practitioners in past. The basic ingradients used in this are commonly available in China.


Step 1: Use Gold Coin Grass to crush and soften the gallstones. Gold Coin Grass in tincture form, using alcohol as a carrier, has been found to be more effective than tablet or tea form, presumably because alcohol as a solvent facilitates the assimilation of the herbs. It is recommended that one to two 250 ml bottles of Gold Coin Grass tincture be used before attempting gallbladder flushing described below (one Tbsp is taken every day; therefore each bottle should take 2 to 3 weeks to finish). Two bottles of Gold Coin Grass may be necessary for individuals over the age of 50, or for who have had gallbladder problems for a long time. For some people who are ex-heavy drinkers, a burning sensation may sometimes be experienced when using Gold Coin Grass tincture but this does not seem to effect the efficacy of the herb.

Insomnia or constipation can often be a sign of liver congestion. The herbal formulas Coptis (which stimulates bile flow) and Curcuma (which increases energy flow in the liver and gallbladder) are recommended to be taken in conjunction with GCG to increase the efficiency of flushing.

Alternatively, if gallbladder-related pain is not a concern, Chinese Bitters may be taken prior to GCG in order to decongest the liver. Note: Chinese Bitters are used to cleanse and decongest the liver. They stimulate digestive juice production, so it is not recommended for anyone with acid reflux problems. However, GCG and Coptis are helpful for acid reflux, so acid reflux sufferers can take them until the problem subsides, and then take Chinese Bitters again.

Step 2: Intestinal Cleansing

1) Soak 1 tsp to 1 Tbsp of Bentonite clay in one cup of filtered water for 12 hours. Start soaking in the morning.

2) Then add ½ to 1 Tbsp of psyllium husks or plantago seeds to the clay mixture and mix well.

3) Drink and eat the whole cup of mixture immediately, followed by one cup of warm water, before bedtime.

4) Drink at least 8 cups of warm water a day, including 2 cups first thing in the morning.

5) Repeat the procedure until the stool becomes normal (usually 1 to 2 weeks), and no more intestinal cloggings are coming out.

Please note that intestinal cleansing is not necessary if you have never had constipation problems.

Step 3: Gallbladder Flush

The following procedure is based on the directions in Natural Liver Therapy by Christopher Hobbs, L.Ac., (Botanica Press, Capitola, CA;1993).

1) Eat only whole foods (un-refined foods) without fat for a whole day.

2) About an hour before bedtime (on an empty stomach), drink ¼ cup of extra virgin cold pressed olive oil mixed with ¼ cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Repeat this process every 15 minutes until a total of one cup each of olive oil and lemon juice is finished.

An alternative to this procedure is to replace lemon juice with freshly-squeezed grapefruit juice (½ cup of grapefruit juice can be used each time). A total of 1½ to 2 cups of grapefruit juice is required. It works well and tastes better than lemon juice.

3) Go to bed immediately and lie on your right side.

4) The next morning take one litre (approximately 4 cups) of warm distilled or filtered water containing two level tsp. of un-iodized sea salt. Alternatively, the addition of juice from half a lemon may be used in place of the sea salt.

5) Eat only softly cooked vegetables and broth the second day. The gallstones should come out some time during the second day.

The stones that come out are usually dark green or black in colour. They may also be brown, off-white, green or, rarely, red in colour. Stones crushed by Gold Coin Grass may come out in any shape including flat pieces or sand.

Step 3a: Liver Cleanse and Gallbladder Flush

An alternative procedure to Step 3 above combines the gallbladder flush with a liver flush. It uses apple juice fasting, as described below (based on Herbally Yours, by Penny C. Royal, Sound Nutrition; 1982). However, people with cancer, candida yeast infection, diabetes, hypoglycemia or stomach ulcer should not use this apple juice fasting procedure because of the high sugar content in the apple juice.

Day 1 – Take 2 servings of 8 oz organic apple juice or apple cider every 2 hours from 8 am to 8 pm. Altogether 14 cups will have been taken during this period. Do not take any other food or drinks except plain water.

Please note that the apple juice should not be taken cold from the refrigerator. It should be kept at room temperature or mixed with about 10% hot water before use because cold drinks chill the liver. For people with lots of stagnant bile, the collapsed stagnant bile may rush out after drinking apple juice. It may feel like having diarrhea but is actually stagnant bile (brownish yellow colour).

Day 2 – Repeat Day 1. At 8:30 pm, take ½ cup (4 oz) of olive oil (extra virgin cold pressed) mixed with ½ cup of lemon juice (squeezed from 3 lemons) or with ¾ cup of freshly-squeezed grapefruit juice.

Go immediately to bed and sleep on your right side. If there is a large amount of stones, nausea may be felt after drinking olive oil but this feeling will largely disappear on the third day after taking some food.

Day 3 – Upon rising in the morning, take 1 litre (approximately 4 cups) of warm distilled or filtered water containing two level teaspoons of un-iodized sea salt. Alternatively the addition of juice from half a lemon may be used in place of the sea salt. Wait for at least half an hour before eating.

Eat vegetable broth and softly cooked vegetables only. The stones should be passed in the stool any time between midnight of Day 2 and morning of Day 4.

Note: The purpose of drinking apple juice is mainly for the malic acid in apples. Malic acid is a good solvent for stagnant bile in the liver. Apple juice taken during fasting will dissolve and push out stagnant bile from the liver. For someone with a yeast infection or diabetes, apple juice can be replaced by malic acid in capsule or powder form. The fasting procedure is the same except that apple juice is replaced by 1000 - 2000 mg of malic acid taken with 2 cups of warm water.

(4) Optional Extra Step

The following additional step is optional, and can be used with Step 3 or Step 3a. You may want to try it yourself and see if it changes your results.

Some time ago, I was contacted by a customer who informed me that he had done two previous gallbladder flushes without success. He decided to try something new for his third flush attempt, so he used the liver/gallbladder flush 4-pack of Chinese Bitters, GCG, Curcuma, and Coptis according to instructions. Roughly one hour before taking his olive oil and lemon juice, he noticed that he had some left in each bottle, so he took a dose of all of them together on an empty stomach. In his words, the results were “fantastic”.

This experience has since helped many others achieve a more efficient flush, including myself. My understanding is that the combination of Chinese Bitters, GCG, Coptis, and Curcuma all taken shortly before the olive oil and lemon juice helps the gallbladder contract more efficiently, which helps push out old stones from the back of the gallbladder.

I did my first four flushes (roughly 1 to 1½ months apart) in 1990. In my fourth flush, almost no more stones came out and I felt great, so I assumed that I had cleansed all of the stones from my gallbladder. Since then, I have been doing maintenance flushes once or twice a year, and in each flush, I usually release about 10 small stones. I had always assumed that these were newly formed stones, but in my last flush, I tried this additional step and took ½ tablespoon each of GCG and Curcuma, and 1 teaspoon each of Chinese Bitters and Coptis. I was surprised to pass two of the largest stones that I have ever seen, along with some small stones.

I believe that the large stones were very old stones in the back of my gallbladder, and had been there all these years when I thought there were no old/large stones left. All of my previous flushes had failed to push them out, but this time, taking this simple extra step, I was able to move them out.


When gallstones exist, the gallbladder cannot contract efficiently. Therefore only stones in the front area of the gallbladder can be pushed out in the first flush. Then stones from the back area would slowly move forward and may cause problems again. The whole process should be repeated, including the use of GCG prior to the flush. It usually takes at least 3-4 flushes to clean out all the stones. Basically the flush should be repeated until hardly any stone comes out even though you have a good flush.

The weaker your gallbladder is in contraction, the more flushes you will need in order to push out all of your stones.

A good flush means that all the loose stones are out. You feel good for at least a few days. The remaining stones are packed ones. They should be allowed some time to loosen up and get ready to come out. The interval between good flushes should be 1-2 months.

Repeating the flush too soon after a good flush may waste your effort because the packed stones are not ready to come out yet. However, you can repeat the flush any time if you’ve had an incomplete flush, which means that loose stones are still present and you never felt comfortable after the first flush.

Once stones have been formed, the gallbladder tends to be sluggish. New stones may be formed again. Therefore 1 to 2 flushes a year is recommended for maintenance. Gold Coin Grass may not be needed any more because new stones should be small and pass easily. I have been doing maintenance for years; usually around 10 to 15 small stones come out each time I do it. Chinese Bitters is the only product that I take now for maintenance, in addition to 1-2 flushes a year. I take these preventive measures because I am naturally prone to liver congestion.


If the gallbladder is loaded with stones, there is limited space in the gallbladder to store bile. This bile, which is produced in the liver, then backs up in the liver and leads to liver congestion. When the liver is very congested, nutrients or herbs, which have to go through the liver first, may not reach the gallbladder. This explains why those with a very congested liver cannot flush out their stones unless they decongest the liver first. Another problem is that bile produced in the liver, through olive oil stimulation, has to flow down to the gallbladder in order to push out stones with the help of gallbladder contraction by lemon or grapefruit juice. If the liver is congested, bile flow is restricted. As a result, there is insufficient bile in the gallbladder to push the stones out.

One of Prime Health’s products, Chinese Bitters, has been found to be very effective in decongesting the liver. It is possible to take Chinese Bitters in conjunction with Gold Coin Grass and some people do this in order to more quickly prepare for a liver/gallbladder flush. However, the added load of taking both tinctures at once may be too much strain for the liver and gallbladder in some people, particularly those who suffer from weak livers or gallbladders. If this is the case for you, then you should start with Chinese Bitters first. After a few weeks of liver decongestion, you can switch from Chinese Bitters in the morning to Gold Coin Grass.

When the Gold Coin Grass is finished, Chinese Bitters may be taken again for a few days before the flush. During the flush, Chinese Bitters can still be taken to ensure that the liver is not congested.


In some cases, especially for a person doing a gallbladder flush for the first time, the gallstones are packed so tight that they have difficulty moving out. In this situation, one may have to repeat the olive oil/lemon juice procedure and eat vegetables for an extra day. As well, Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) which dilate the bile duct may be helpful. The Epsom salt solution, prepared by dissolving 3 teaspoons of Epsom salt in 1 cup of warm water, should be taken about one-and-a-half to two hours before repeating the olive oil and lemon juice procedure. I personally dislike Epsom salts because they are harsh on the kidneys, so I would recommend them only if you feel you definitely need them.

It does happen, although very rarely, that a stone may get stuck on its way out. In this situation, the olive oil/lemon juice flush may be repeated. Three teaspoonfuls of Epsom salt in a cup of warm water should be taken 2 hours before the olive oil/lemon juice, to dilate the duct.

An alternative is one tablespoonful each of Coptis and Curcuma taken together. This combination helps to move the stone by stimulating bile flow (Coptis) and increasing energy flow (Curcuma). These herbal medicines also help to relieve pain from gallbladder attack in most cases. Furthermore, if no stone comes out during the flush on the day after taking olive oil/lemon juice, and you feel uncomfortable, one tablespoon each of Coptis and Curcuma can usually help to push out the stones or other blockages.

If one tablespoon each of Coptis and Curcuma fail to push out the lodged stone and relieve pain, it is usually due to the stone being too big to be pushed out. In this situation, some people have found the following procedure to be helpful: take 2 tablespoons of GCG to crush the stone, and wait for 1½ to 2 hours before taking one tablespoon each of Coptis and Curcuma again. The crushed stones are likely to move easier and the pain will be relieved.

A stone that gets stuck during a gallbladder flush is different from a regular gallbladder attack. During the flush, a lot of bile is produced which serves as an excellent lubricant. The pain produced is relatively dull and mild in comparison with the very sharp pain experienced in a regular gallbladder attack.

(ii) European Gall Stone Flush : Traditional European medicine recommends the use of olive oil and lemon juice to flush the gallstones. But a concern is that if the stones are too big, they may not easily come out or may even get stuck on the way out.

PATIENT:  I would like to know how effectives is homeopathy for gallstones & the chances of its reoccurence. As I’ve been diagnosed for it & already taking the medications (Homeopathic)for it,I’m curios to know about the extent & speed of recovery.The stones sizes are about 5-3mm & are about 4-5 in numbers.

DOCTOR: Gall-stones do not come out very easily with medicines because the gravity is usually against them. It means, for the gall stones to come out, first them will have to move up a bit and then they will be able to traverse down. Having said that, I must add that inspite of the gravity working against the cure, homeopathic medicines are known to cure gall stones. But the success rate is very less compared to renal-stones.

Gall-stones, if silent, may not need any treatment. It is not necessary to remove the gall-bladder. For occasional flare-ups (colic), homeopathic medicines provide quick and lasting relief. If the gall-bladder is contracted or has numerous small stones (with potential of getting stuck in common bile duct), surgery may be advisable. If there is only sludge, homeopathic medicines should be able to take care of it.



0 day: Consult a Doctor and get Ultrasound done reg the size of gall Stones. Start the therapy only if size of gall stone is less than 10 mm. 

0 day : Arrange the following ingredients required for the complete procedure:

        Apple                               3 kgs.      : buy from local fruit vendor.

       Epsom Salt( Magnesium Sulphate ),   50 grams     : buy from local pharmacy,

        Edible Olive Oil,             100 ml.     : buy from local grocery shop

        Grapefruit (Not grapes)            : buy from local fruit vendor as reqd.

         ( or Robab Tenga/Orange/Mousambi)

It is best to have day 4 on a Saturday or at a time when you are staying at home.
Day 1: Drink 1 liter  of apple juice during the day. Eat as normal otherwise.
Day 2: Drink another liter of apple juice. Eat normally other foods
Day 3: Drink a 3rd liter of apple juice. Eat normally
Day 4: Do not take any solid food after lunch.
On the 4th day itself start this therapy:
( Note 1 table spoon= appx 15 ml or gmand one teaspoon= 5 ml or 5 gm)
6pm – (There should be 6 hours gap between lunch & taking Epsom salt) Take one level TABLEspoon( 1 ½ TEAspoon)  of Epsom salt in a glass of water.
8pm – Take another level TABLEspoon of Epsom salt in a glass of water. You may find that you already have to take a trip to the toilet before the 8pm Epsom salt.( 1 TABLEspoon = 3 TEAspoons)
10pm – Mix one half glass(100ml) of olive oil and three quarter glass of freshly squeezed grape fruit juice ( In India grape fuit is called chakotra of mausami) by shaking it very well in a jar with a lid so that it mixes well and immediately get into bed after drinking the mixture. (one should lie on the right side with the right knee drawn up toward the chin for 30 minutes before going to sleep. This encourages the oil to drain from the stomach, helping contents of the gall bladder and/or liver to move into the small intestine.)You will probably make more than one trip to the toilet during the night as well as during the next day.
Day 5:
6am: Take another level TABLEspoon of Epsom salt in a glass of water
8am: Take one final level TABLEspoon of Epsom salt in a glass of water.
You will find that many gallstones from the liver will be passed and one will notice them in the toilet. They will vary in size from about pin head size to 10mm. 

Gallstones in the liver are a major cause of many health problems.
After 6th day of the procedure take an ultra-sound to find out how many gallstones have actually been removed. 

The above procedure can  be repeated every month until one finds that for two months in succession no more gallstones are passed.

Possible ‘dangers’( Note that the word dangers is within inverted comas).

After a ‘Five days regimen’ one should check-up with Ultra- sound about progress of the procedure and for removal of any left out stones the procedure should be repeated after a gap of one month.

Before I pass on this method to remove gallstones, I should point out that some doctors have warned of its “dangers”. They say that, if the gallstones are too big, they might end up being stuck in the gall bladder ducts and this could be dangerous. In theory, this might happen. So if you are afraid, don’t do it.

When you embark on natural remedies, whether to remove gallstones or for other purposes, you need to take responsibility for your own health and I shall not be held liable for any harm or danger that you might experience. At the same time, when you embark on natural cures, it helps also to understand the reasons behind some of the procedures.

In this case, part of the method to remove gallstones naturally involves drinking plenty of apple juice for three days. If the largest size of gallstone is more than 10 mm take apple juice for a longer period, say one week.  It is believed that some substance in the apple juice, probably malic acid, helps softens the gallstones so that the risks of them being stuck in the gall bladder ducts are minimised. In any case, if you lack the confidence, don’t do it.

Just be aware also that surgery and other medical procedures to remove gallstones un-naturally also come with their own set of risks. You decide which risks you wish to take.

However, if the largest  gallstone  measures  10mm  or less,  apparently there is no risk in this method.

Role of Ingradients:-

Apple Juice: Malic Acid of Apple Softens the stone
Citrus fruit: Increases production of bile to wash away the stone

The info you provided regarding stone removal from gall bladded is good. I want to try that, but I have a stone of size 1.5 CM (15 MM) is it ok to proceed with this natural theraphy. Please suggest.

The procedure is good for removing stone up to size of 10 mm. 

I have two galstones, one is about 10mm in the neck of balb bladder and other is about 12 mm in the galb bladder itself….. So will you sugest me what to do….. To try your method no?

I do not recommend to follow this procedure if one is having stone of size bigger than 10 mm.

my stone size is almost 25 mm and my age is 35 years,,,,,what u advice,,,,how many months i use juices for size reduction?,,,,,,is it painful while reduction in size? and also tell me best juice combination.

I do not recommend this procedure for removal of stones of larger than 10 mm. Apple juicing softens the stone so that it can pass through the bile duct easily. I do not know how much effective it is in reduction of size. However, if you continue to take fresh apple juice/apples every day it would soften the stone and you may not get any recurring pain. You may check any reduction of size through repeat sonography after every month.Please report your observations to me for my research.

Maria Pereira

I have done my ultrasound of abdomen and pelvis. I am 62 yrs. Report is as follows. The liver normal size with two simple hepatic cyst of 1.1cm and 1.2cm noted in right lobe of liver in segment V. Gall bladder is well distended. Multiple tiny 3 – 4 mm size calculi noted in the lumen of gall bladder. The right kidney shows mild hydroephrosis with proximal hydroureter due to a 8 mm calculus in upper ureter. Advised cholelithiasis – sympotomatic Surgery evaluation and Ureterlithiasis Urology input given hydroureter, push po fluids.
In short very impressed by your sight – will the five day procedure work for me and will it even help to flush the kidney stone 8mm too and the multiple tin 3 4 mm stones from the gall bladder comes out. Please advice and how many times I have to repeat the course. Thanks in advance.

This procedure is for liver & gallbladder flush only. For kidney stone Homeopathic treatment is the best. You may follow the procedure once for liver & gallbladder stones and look at the result with a repeat ultrasound. If all the stones are not removed, then you should repeat the procedure after one month. May be repeated every month, if required.

Hello Sir,
First of all let me thank you once again. I completed your 5 day course and was really shocked when I saw so many green gallstones which came out on the 5th day. I sent the stone for analysis by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). The report shows positive that the sample is gallstones which weights:0.034gm and composition is Cholesterol 60% Bile 20% and Bile Pigment 20%. I will continue this 5 days procedure next month and then do my sonography of the abdomen and pelvis. I hope by then all the stones come out. Please advice how long should I continue this 5 day procedure.

Having read your article and a few others on the internet the cleansing process is a recommended way of getting rid of gallstones.
My mother has been recently diagnosed with one gallstone; with a size of 13 mm. Also, I have read above that if the stone is above 10 mm this procedure is not recommended. Is there any other way to address this scenario other than opting for a surgery to remove the gallbladder?

Dilip Kr. Goswami
October 8, 2013 at 3:15 pm Reply
If you can get the stone size reduced below 10 mm by some other treatment( Ayurbedic, Homeopathic or alopathic ) then you can follow this procedure. Also she may take apple juice continuously for 15 days along with one ursocol-300 tablet every night before going to bed which may reduce stone size.However, ursocol-300 need to be prescribed by an allopathic doctor.

October 8, 2013 at 1:11 pm Reply
Dear Doctor,

You have mentioned that you would not recommend this procedure if the size of the stone is more than 1cm. I have a stone of 1.2 cm. you had mentioned that if the stone gets stuck in the duct it can be dangerous. Can you pl explain in such a situation what happens and how to handle the situation if it happens. Can you please explain. Thank you, Mahadevan.V.

Last night, I suddenly had severe gastric pains and my husband had to take me to the hospital. After some examinations and an ultrasound scan, it was confirmed that I have a large gall stone in my gall bladder – it is 2.2 cm or 2/3 inch long. :shock:

After further consultations with the gastro surgeon, I was told to go for surgery to remove my gall bladder. He said this was the only solution as the gall stone is too big. I have never liked the idea of surgery and my only times spent overnight at the hospital were when I delivered my four children. :roll:

Nevertheless, this sudden development in my health has got me really all shaken up and I am really terrified of this surgery. My husband and I have yet to set a date for this proposed surgery as we want to find out more information on gall stones and the repercussions of have my gall bladder removed.

We did asked the surgeon what will happen to me when I don’t have a gall bladder…he didn’t give a satisfying reply and we are now under the impression that he just wants to make some money out of this surgery. :roll:

In a short while, I am going back to the hospital (it is a private hospital) to have a gastro scope done of my stomach…the surgeon wanted to be sure that my stomach is ulcer free and check for some bacteria there.

In the meantime, I have spoken to a few people – Master atan, my healer friends Yoong Cheh and Chimmal – and thus far, they have all suggested that I delay the surgery to remove my gall stone first and in the meantime, I can follow some proven natural remedies to get rid of my gallstones. They have some friends who had carried the natural remedies successfully….

So, I am going to try this Natural Remedy of Removing Gallstones (READ THAT POST for more feedback from people who have tried this natural gallbladder flush)  for about 3 rounds (I was told the second round is even better in getting rid of gall stones)……hope you can wish me luck and success in doing this and I don’t have to go for surgery.

I will keep you posted of my gallstone elimination development following the Natural Method here and if it works (no, I should stay positive and tell myself “IT WILL WORK”), you would know this is indeed a good and effective way of removing gall stones.

I have copied my earlier post of this natural remedy of removing gall stones here for your easy reference…it uses Apple Juice (can add fresh apples also), Epsom Salt and Olive Oil..


Good afternoon, dear friends :D

Yesterday, Master atan, a retired healer and fengshui Master, posted at his Dhealing forum HERE  a way of removing gallstones that is safe, natural and tested – without going for any surgery. I was very impressed by this method and thought I would share it here with you as I’m sure many people will benefit from this technique.

Master atan said that gall bladder stones today can be easily removed by operation and the so called laparoscopy, a process using laser to remove the gall bladder stones. But there are still ways we can take other than to undergo these expensive treatments, surgeries and medicines to help you cured of gall stones.

Master atan had tried this method himself and has recommended it to many people to follow, advising that this is good and safe.


Gallstones may not be everyone’s concern but may lead to cancer. We all have them (big or small, many or few). “Cancer is never the 1st illness. There are a lot of other problems leading to cancer. I came across some materials stating that people with cancer usually had stones,” said Dr Lai Chiu Nan of  Taiwan.

One symptom of gallstones is a feeling of bloatedness after a heavy meal as if you can’t digest the food. If it gets more serious, you feel pain in the liver area.”

Dr Lai offers the apple juice treatment which is good for those with a weak liver. Liver and gallbladder are closely linked.

1) Drink 1 glass (250ml) 100% apple juice 4 times a day for 5 days. 1 glass at breakfast, 1 glass at lunch, 1 glass at dinner & 1 glass before going to bed. It softens the gallstones. Eat normally.

2) On the 6th day, skip dinner. At 6pm, take a teaspoon of Epsom salt (magnesium sulphate) with a glass of warm water. At 8 PM, repeat the same for purging purpose. It helps to flush out all solid stuff. It also opens and dilates the gallbladder ducts. At 10 PM, drink half a glass of olive oil mixed with half a glass of lemon juice. The oil lubricates the stones to ease their passage. Lemon juice helps to extract the stones out from gallbladder .

Soon you will purge again. This time you can find greenish stuff floating in your toilet bowl, if you have gallstones. “You may want to count them. I have had people who passed out 40, 50 or up to 100 stones.” as told by Dr Lai. “Even if you don’t have any symptoms of gallstones, you still might have some. It’s always good to give your gall bladder a clean-up every now and then.”

Something more to share by Master atan -

“Dr Lai Chiu Nan’s “6 Days Apple Juice Treatment” works wonderfully to remove gallstones in a natural way. I came to know this more than 10 years ago and many of my friends had benefited from this treatment without going for operation.

Mr AT almost had his gallbladder operated in the hospital in 1996. When we met up just a few days before his operation appointment, he gave it a try when I told him about this apple juice treatment. The doctor was surprised of the disappearance of gallstones when Mr AT went to the hospital for a re-examination. He passed on this good news to his friends and relatives so much so that whenever a person wanted to buy Epsom salt from the pharmacy in that town, straight away the sales personnel at the pharmacy knew that it’s for the removal of gallstones treatment.

Mr LMK also drank the apple juice and passed out the gallstones. Mr AY called me and asked for the apple juice treatment for his Indonesian worker who refused to go for operation. According to Mr AY, his worker suffered great pain and could hardly walk. One week later, Alan called again saying that his worker still suffered the pain. I told him to bring his worker to see Mr LMK who could give a testimonial to him so that he would repeat the 6 Days treatment one more time. Later I received good news from Mr AY that his worker was able to walk without pain after passing out the gallstones. No operation was required. Mr LMK also told me that the worker thanked him many times whenever they met each other in town for the encouragement and confidence given to him.”

Master atan said that in order for it to be more effective, drink green apple juice. You can buy 100% pure apple juice from supermarket in 2 liters packing. The treatment needs 6 liters only (4 x 250ml = 1 liter per day). Nevertheless, do include apple juice as one of your daily drinks. It’s good for you, he said.

There you have it – a really safe and natural way of removing any gallstones. I’m going to try this out to see for myself and then get my husband to do it also. A word of caution though, I believe we should be aware of the high sugar content of consuming so much apple juice over the 6 days and it is best to cut off all other sources of sugar intake during this treatment period. Also, since it is spanned over 6 days and we are expected to purge a few times on the 6th day, it is best to start this treatment on a Monday or Tuesday…leaving the weekend free to be spending more time in the toilet.

I wish you all good health always,

1. Herbal Medicine : Dr.Ahmad, Mobile:+919873877639
2. Homeopathy : Dr. Rahul , Mobile: +919899000998


how to remove gall stone without surgery

For Details contact Dr. Rahul 09899000998 at Delhi & Dr. Anwar 09278869600/09540465995 at Delhi

12 Noon
Stop eating all solid food

6.30 pm
Stop drinking all fluids

7.00 pm
Using a measuring device, pour ¼ cup (four tablespoonfuls) of olive oil and drink it.

Follow immediately with one or two tablespoonfuls of lemon juice.

Lie down and relax.

Repeat this every 15 minutes. Sit up, swallow it and lie down again. If possible, have someone else bring them to you.

Relax, read or watch television. Keep as still as possible. It is best to lie on your right side.

Repeat the exact dosage every 15 minutes until you have swallowed all of the pint of olive oil. If there is any lemon juice left, drink it all.

It is now probably 10.00 or 10.30 pm

Remember, if you have terrible nausea or vomiting sensations, use the peppermint oil in the olive oil, or chase the olive oil with a small amount of V8 or pineapple juice, until you can resume taking the plain olive oil and lemon juice.

While you are taking the olive oil and lemon juice, if it gets hard to swallow, take a little more time between doses. Try 20 minutes between doses, or 25 minutes. Try to swallow all of the oil and lemon juice. If you are too nauseated to get it all down, take as much as you possibly can.

You have finished the olive oil and lemon juice. Now go to bed and do your best to go to sleep. Lie on your right side. This position speeds up the process of the olive oil entering the gall bladder to act as a lubricant. This, along with the softening action of the lemon juice, will help to free the stones more easily and readily from the gall bladder. Stay in bed and forget everything until the urge to go the toilet comes.

That was really quite simple, wasn't it?

About 2.00 or 3.00 am you'll probably wake up with the unmistakeable urge to go to the toilet. It may not happen. For some, it doesn't happen until 11am the next day. If your first bowel movement is at 2.00 or 3.00 am you will probably have no stones in it, but you'll want to check to be sure.

When you have the first bowel movement after the cleanse, you'll use the pitcher of water and the paint stirring stick to wash the fecal material through the net. Pour water gently and use the stick to separate the stones from the fecal material. The fecal material will be runny and wash through the net.

You can use the index card, folded in half, as a makeshift shovel. Place the stones in the jar and screw the lid on. You may want to show your stones to some people. Many will be amazed, but some will still be unbelievers. You certainly want to keep your stones for a while to remind yourself that it was all worth while. After a few days they will dissolve (because of the lemon juice and oil). If you want to keep them for an indefinite period, store them in your freezer with a label - GALL STONES. DON'T' EAT!!!!

You may notice green objects and maybe greenish liquid excrement in the toilet bowel. Those are small gall stones. Some gall stones may be dissolved by the treatment.

Dr Lewis found that 1% of people failed to pass gall stones. If you are one of these 1%, don't be disappointed. In some individuals, the powerful action of the lemon juice causes the stones to dissolve before they are passed out of the body. IF you have only greenish liquid bowel movements, the cleanse has been effective.

For Details contact Dr. Rahul 09899000998 at Delhi & Dr. Anwar 09278869600/09540465995 at Delhi

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Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

They Have It So Wrong Again

Gallstones are believed by the medical establishment to be formed inside the gallbladder: not the liver. They are thought to be few in number, instead of hundreds. Supposedly, gallstones are not linked to pains other than gallbladder attacks. Orthodox doctors believe these things, because whenever patients have acute gallbladder pain, some of the stones have already moved inside the gallbladder, and they are big enough, and sufficiently calcified enough to view with X-rays. The stones inside the liver are rarely noticed. It is where gallstones actually originate.

Whenever the gallbladder is surgically removed, the acute gallbladder attacks disappear, but the bursitis, other miscellaneous pains, and digestive problems remain. Those who have had surgical removal of their gallbladders frequently continue to get bile-coated stones elsewhere that are identical to the supposed gallstones described by medical literature. Doctors virtually never mention this to patients, and promote the surgeries as a permanent cure.

For the sake of long-term health, gallbladder surgery should be avoided, if at all possible. Therefore, it is unwise to go to a hospital for gallbladder issues, unless the problem becomes truly unbearable. We offer a pain relief solution that helps substantially. However, we do realize that there are occasional cases, which require emergency intervention. In the worst cases, a person could use the remedy cited below before leaving for the hospital, or consume it during transit; and hopefully the problem will be resolved by the time that the person arrives.

Fast Pain Relief from a Gallbladder Attack

Drink 1/4 a cup of apple cider vinegar (preferably stored in glass). If possible, also chase it with 8 ounces of apple juice (preferably organic), or mix both together. Most of the pain should disappear within 15 minutes.

Prevention and Treatment of Gallstones

The following natural protocol helps to correct liver dysfunction, in addition to helping combat gallstones (liver stones). It will holistically improve a person's overall health too.  Several of the recommendations target cholesterol, because stones are often made of cholesterol.

Reduce fat intake overall, especially unnatural and toxic fats like hydrogenated oils, soy, and canola. Natural fats (like butter) are better, but they should be used in moderation nonetheless.
Omega-3 supplementation is recommended by way of flax seed oil capsules.
Niacin (Vitamin B3) is helpful for people with cholesterol or skin problems.
Red yeast rice reduces cholesterol, and its active compound is used to make pharmaceutical drugs for cholesterol. This has the benefits of the drugs, without the dangers, addictions, or expense. For years, the F.D.A. tried to block sales of unprocessed red yeast rice and supplemental extracts, because they competed with the patented drugs that are based on the same rice; so the all-natural rice was conveniently reclassified as a 'drug'. This has become a common trick ever since the U.S. Congress forbade the F.D.A. from regulating nutritional supplements, in lieu of similar abusive behaviors.
Sunlight exposure converts the excess cholesterol reserves stored inside skin into vitamin D-2, which is later used by the liver to make vitamin D-3. Therefore, sunlight helps in multiple ways. It dramatically boosts the immune system.
Exercise. No explanation should be required.
Milk thistle (available as a supplement) is a liver tonic.
Dandelion root (available as a supplement) is another liver tonic.
Avoid soy lecithin and all soy products. Soy products can have disastrous effects upon hormone balance, and this is especially true for women. The phytoestrogens inside soy products attack the thyroid. The presence of gallstones has been shown to have a relationship with hormone imbalances. Also, be advised that all soy is now genetically engineered.
Vitamin C makes cholesterol more water soluble, allowing a body to better eliminate excesses.
Turmeric increases the solubility of bile.
Consume apple cider vinegar, lemonade, or apple juice regularly. Supplementing with several tablespoons of apple cider vinegar per day is best.
Castor oil transdermal packs neutralize inflammation. A rag must be soaked in pure, cold pressed castor oil that is obtained from a health food store beforehand. The excess should be squeezed-out just prior to use. Next the rag should be placed on bare skin over the organ. Put a piece of plastic on top of the rag. Then place a hot water bottle on top of that. The hot water bottle should be made as hot as possible, so long as the patient can tolerate it. If the person is numbed by drugs or otherwise, then use some common sense in helping the person to get an appropriate level of heat. This transdermal system should remain in place for a minimum of 30 minutes, and doing this daily will benefit most patients. It is also recommended that the immediate area underneath the patient be covered in plastic too, because some of the castor oil will run down onto furniture or floors.
Licorice is another liver tonic.
The 2-Day Naturopathic Gallbladder Cleanse Procedure

There are other, more thorough cleanses available, but these take a minimum of a week to implement. Anyone trying to rid himself of gallstones wants fast relief.


1/2 cup of cold pressed, extra virgin olive oil
1 large grapefruit (or 2 small)
3 lemons (optional)
4 tablespoons of Epsom salt
3 cups of fresh grapefruit juice or fresh apple juice
Chamomile supplements

Test to see if you have a bad reaction to Epsom salt by holding about a 1/4 tsp. of it in your mouth for about half a minute, and then swallow it. If there are any problems, then this entire procedure is a no-go. This test is essential for safety, because an allergic reaction to the massive amounts used later could be fatal.
This is a 2-day procedure, so ensure that you have two days that are completely free of obligations before beginning. Most people should begin on a Saturday.
Try a chamomile tea to test for ragweed and chamomile allergies.
Discontinue all medicines, vitamins, pills, and herbs if possible.

Eat a no-fat breakfast and lunch, such as cooked cereal with fruit, fruit juice, bread and preserves, bread with honey, baked potato, or vegetables that are salted only. Consume no butter, milk, or cheese. These fat-free meals allow bile to build up and develop increased pressure within the liver.
2:00 P.M. -- Discontinue all food. No cheating! Breaking this rule can later cause illness and a failure of the flush. Prepare the Epsom salt solution by mixing 4 tablespoons with 3 cups (24 fluid ounces) of grapefruit juice or apple juice inside a large jar. This makes four servings of 3/4 a cup. Place the jar inside a refrigerator to get it cold (this is for convenience and improved taste). Grapefruit and apple have properties that aid the cleanse, in addition to making the procedure more bearable.
6:00 P.M. -- Drink one serving (3/4 of a cup) of the Epsom salt solution. You may add 1/8 tsp. of Vitamin C powder to improve the taste. You may also drink a few mouthfuls of water afterward, or rinse your mouth. Place the cold-pressed olive oil and grapefruit on the kitchen counter to warm up.
8:00 P.M. -- Repeat by drinking another 3/4 cup of Epsom salt solution. Ready yourself for resting, because timing is important for success.
At 9:45 P.M. -- Pour 1/2 a cup of olive oil into the pint jar. Wash grapefruit in hot water and dry. Then squeeze out the juice, by hand, into the measuring cup. Remove the excessive pulp. You may add lemon juice to improve the flavor. Add the juice(s) to the olive oil. Seal the jar tightly and shake it vigorously. This should make at least 1/2 a cup (3/4 a cup is better) of this mixture, but do not drink it yet. Visit the bathroom, even if it makes you late for your ten o'clock drink. Do not be more than 15 minutes late, or you will expel fewer stones.
10:00 P.M. -- Drink the olive oil solution. Take four 300 mg. chamomile capsules with the first sips to help you sleep through the night. Drinking through a large plastic straw helps it go down easier. You may use oil and vinegar salad dressing, or straight honey to chase it down between sips. Have these ready in a tablespoon on the kitchen counter. Make certain you drink it standing up. Get it swallowed within 5 minutes (fifteen minutes for very elderly or weak persons). Lie down immediately afterward on your right side. The sooner that you lie down, the more stones you will get out. Be prepared for bed ahead of time. Do not bother with clean up, because timing is very important. Try to keep perfectly still for at least 20 minutes after laying. You may feel a train of stones traveling along the bile ducts like marbles. There should be no pain because the bile ducts are dilated to full size, due to the Epsom salt solution. Go to sleep.
Next Morning -- Upon awakening, take your third dose of the Epsom salt solution. If you have indigestion or nausea at any point, treat it with ginger supplements, and wait until it has passed before drinking the Epsom salt solution. If you absolutely can not hold the ginger in the stomach, then hold the ginger powder in the mouth for direct blood absorption through your cheek tissues. You should return to bed after you have finally consumed the Epsom salt solution. Do not begin this step before 6:00 A.M.
Two hours later -- Take your final dose of the Epsom salt solution and return to bed again.
Two more hours -- You may finally eat again. Begin with only fruit juices. Half an hour later, eat fruit. After another thirty minutes, you may eat regular foods, but keep the meal light. By evening, you should feel recovered.
Conclusionary Remarks

Expect diarrhea during this procedure. It is normal, so do not be alarmed. This regimen does not butcher an already weakened body, and leaves the person stronger in the long term. It is cheap, fast, effective, all natural, and generally very safe. Unlike modern medical treatments, these methods will usually cure the problem, instead of merely suppressing the symptoms until the problem becomes much worse.

Disregard our entire cleansing procedure if you have allergies or other negative reactions to any of the ingredients used for it.

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Search Comments (62)
Date: 11/03/2009 Time: 12:24:32 || Seven  - Gallstones
Wish my sister had known about this 10 years ago. She was suffering from (what turned out to be) gallstone pain. She had no idea what is was and became a bit frightend. Went to her regular doctor, who told her she was having 'panic attacks' and gave her an anti-anxiety prescription. For the next 2 years, she kept having pain off and on. Various doctors told her it was stress and anxiety, acid reflux, indigestion, etc. Finaly got so bad we took her to the emergency room. She was given a 'test' and was told it came back negative for gallstones, then was told to go home and rest. 30 mins later we took her back, they did an x-ray and 'what do you know!' tons of gall stones and an infected, inflammed pancreas. Both of which they then proceded to surgicaly remove from her.

Date: 11/03/2009 Time: 09:54:18 | C. Thomas Corriher (Managing Editor)
Those are just unimportant 'parts' that can be removed without serious long term consequences, right? Let me guess... she has severe diabetes now, along with major hormone imbalances causing various other health problems that require a drug dependence for the rest of her life? Funny how that always seems to happen.

They could have tested her with a tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar, and this would have been a more accurate test. No radiation required! Of course, they can't 'patent' or 'regulate' Apple Cider Vinegar. It's not "real" medicine in other words, unlike their "safe and effective" medicine.

Date: 11/04/2009 Time: 08:17:21 || Seven  - Gallstones
She is doing alright now. Did have hormone imbalance for a while after that. And of course they gave her anti-depressants for it. After that happened is when I started researching holistic and natural medicine. I helped her learn about staying away from 'precription' meds, processed foods, bad sugars, etc, etc. She mostly eats a vegetarian diet now with alot of fruit and some chicken thrown in once in a while, but no other meats.
Not sure if it is related at all, but about 5 years after the surgury, she got pregnant and had a baby girl who turned out to be deathly allergic to tree nuts, especialy peanuts. Would be interesting to see if it is realated somehow. Otherwise (thanks to holisting living) my niece is now a very healthy fruit and veggie loveing kid!
Date: 11/04/2009 Time: 04:43:02 | C. Thomas Corriher (Managing Editor)
The new generation of bizarre food and latex allergies is almost always a result of vaccinations. We wrote about why and how this happens in issue 2 of our magazine.

Date: 05/12/2010 Time: 10:49:40 || Willmilline
Please e-mail me exercises for someone coming off gallbladder surgery?

Date: 05/12/2010 Time: 12:29:52 | C. Thomas Corriher (Managing Editor)
If you have gone under the knife, then your highest priority is that you do not injure yourself (further). A rupture or opened incision could lead to dire consequences, so please proceed with great caution. It is not often that you'll see "ask your doctor" coming from us, but this is certainly an exception. Your doctor and surgeon should be experts on minimizing damage after surgery. At least we hope they are. Mild exercise like walking could be beneficial if taken in great moderation, but frankly I think what you need most is rest and recovery time. Be sure to eat plenty of healthy fats. Pile on the Omega-3, butter, yogurt, red meats (preferably organic) and etc., and eat anything that your body craves, even if it is normally considered unhealthy. During times of extreme stress, it pays to trust your body to tell you what it really needs, and sometimes it is something surprising. Listen to your body concerning the diet, not "the experts".

Date: 06/12/2010 Time: 09:47:44 || Mel
I have a question about soy. If it's so problematic, why have Asian women used it for years w/o consequence? Is genetic engineering the only reason? thanks

Date: 06/13/2010 Time: 09:19:29 | C. Thomas Corriher (Managing Editor)
I'm sure the genetic engineering plays a large role, but don't be so sure that Asia women have not had problems. Spend a little time doing research into hormonal diseases for Asians, and you're likely find to yourself surprised. At the same time, take note that Asians overall are also less likely to even get diagnosed properly (if at all) due to inferior allopathic medicine. Finding problems is one of the things that allopathic medicine does best (that and emergency medicine).

Another problem with soy is that it produces natural hormonal pesticides that prevent insects from reproducing (causes sterility), and these same anti-hormones effect humans too. The processing (or fermentation) that is used to make the soy "safe" plays a large role in how safe it actually is. Supposedly, the ancient methods were much safer than the modern chemical industry ones.

"The amount of phytoestrogens that are in a day’s worth of soy infant formula equals 5 birth control pills"

? Mike Fitzpatrick, toxicologist

Read this article for the dirty details: Soy is Unfit for Human Consumption

Date: 07/07/2010 Time: 15:46:07 || Mike Lambert  - Gallbladder
For years I suffered from frightening bouts of gallbladder pain, not knowing what they were. I was a young man and gallbladder problems were, I thought, largely confined to the 'fat, fair and forty' set and mainly women's concerns. It was finally diagnosed as gallbladder trouble and I had it removed, thinking that that would be end to it. Well, yes, and no. I now have, some 15 years after the surgery, a big scar down my stomach, which I have learned to live with. But I suspect that things have never been particularly easy for me since the surgery. I seem to have a fairly low tolerance for much in the way of fat, and have had problems with swollen lymph glands. I also suspect that my testosterone levels might not be as high as they might be. I'm now 52. What's your take on this?

Date: 08/16/2010 Time: 10:41:17 || Brisbanner
I also underwent a gallbladder removal as a young man of 21 years of age. The medical report said my condition was "highly unusual" for my age and sex. I have not had a repeat of the attack symptoms since it was removed, (thank goodness, ouch!) and 12 years later, I regret not knowing what I know now, but life goes on! Thank you for posting this remedy. No doubt will be a wonderful help for many, many people, no surgery required!

Date: 10/06/2010 Time: 20:13:30 || Missy
I had my gallbladder removed 15 years ago and now i have awful pain that doctors diagnosed as stones in my bile duct. I got all the stones removed but 2 months later I have pain agin on the right side. I wonder if I should follow the cleansing treatment anyways.

Date: 05/14/2011 Time: 18:33:37 || transuster
I skipped the epsom salts and passed 20 stones after two days of frightening pain (something stuck in the colon). Never saw gallstones before - real scary.

Date: 05/21/2011 Time: 05:37:52 || Donna MillsBergen
My girlfriend is scheduled for surgery to remove her gallbladder next friday before she's had a chance to cleanse because her doctor told her that the ultrasound shows that her gallbladder is black and might be leaking. Is there any hope for a homeopathic, cleansing after this diagnosis?

Date: 05/24/2011 Time: 20:55:34 | Sarah C. Corriher (H.W. Researcher)
In that position, we would most certainly try. The body is never the same after an organ has been removed. It is designed to heal itself, and with your help, this can almost always be achieved.

Date: 07/26/2011 Time: 21:32:07 || Krissy
I had my gallbladder out when I was only 18 .I am now 33.The past three years I have had pain in the area where my gallbladder was.I can't tell you how many times I have been doubled over in pain and have gone to the ER and they have done blood work and xrays and say "Oh you are fine maybe it is just scar tissue".Funny they were real quick to take it out but never really explained to me how I would be after it was taken out and now if I have pain they act like it is all in my head.

Date: 03/21/2012 Time: 08:09:38 || Justine
I had what my doctor thinks was a gallbladder attack last week. I have been slowly recovering. But symptoms keep popping up. The latest one confuses me. I have a sore throat. Just started yesterday. Exactly one week from the attack. I am trying to figure out if the two things are related or if I might be coming down with something on top of this? Thank you for the great advice in this article.

Date: 07/09/2012 Time: 09:28:24 || Samantha  - sam
No message. I do want to ask a question. I am a female, age 67, very good health. Last week, I was told I have "layers and layers of stones in my gallbladder." Naturally, I was told that surgery is the "only cure", do you agree?

Date: 07/14/2012 Time: 22:37:30 | Dyanne Martin
I have been having what my doctor describes as gallbladder pain for about 7 months now. At first I thought I was having a heart attack because the pain was mainly in my chest radiating through my shoulder, back and arm (all right side). Dr. did an EKG and saw no evidence of heart problems/disease. My ultrasound showed no evidence of gallstones or gallbladder inflammation but my liver enzymes were slightly elevated and I had a slightly fatty liver. I changed my diet drastically (only good fats, fresh fruits and veggies with occasional organic meats) and started exercising. As long as I ate healthy foods the pain was much less frequent, almost non-existent, for several weeks. Now the pain is back and I am having heart palpitations as well. I am also experiencing, like Justine above, what feels like a sore/achy throat, also on the right side. Is this common for gallbladder problems? I didn't want the surgery at first but I just want this nightmare to end. I tried an Epsom salt cleanse once before but now it is all back. Do I need to do this cleanse more than once? The one that I tried was not exactly the same as yours but close. So glad I found this site. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Date: 09/28/2012 Time: 18:53:08 || leanne  - gallstones
I was told a few yrs ago that I should hav my GB removed, after being horribly treated by the surgern when I was in the gown and ready for the opp I got dressed and walked out not having it done.
Recently I'm getting allot of pain and prescribed allot of pain killers for this of which I do not take all the time just when really needed. But I also have panic attacks. In this last week I've had loads and seems to always be there, very anixious and had to have an ambulance sunday night as I thought I had another blood clot in my lung! I was told it was a bad attack but I've never been this bad with then daily and I can not sleep either. Can the GB make me have these panic feelings like this? As I don't understand my stptoms and my gp is not nice at all and not helpful.

Date: 10/29/2012 Time: 02:39:37 || Lisa  - Gallbladder Attack
Well like many of the stories I've read here, I too have been having periodic pain in my mid-chest that's can be mild to severe. I've had the tests and they say everything is normal.

However pain like this is not normal. It's 130 in the morning and I decided to try one of the remedies written above.

1/4 cup apple cider vinegar and apple juice. It was ironic that I had both in the house because I rarely use either.

Getting back the apple cider was a tough job, it burns the throat and makes you think it's going to come back up, the apple juice was a welcome chaser.

It said wait 15 minutes and the pain will be gone. I thought it was too good to be true, but by golly, it worked completely.

Now I'm tempted to try the Epsom Salt treatment.


Date: 11/03/2012 Time: 16:42:02 || Bill  - cleanse while breastfeeding
Hello , i am wondering for my wife if this is ok for her to do while breastfeeding? It seems ok? Thanks!

Date: 11/04/2012 Time: 12:53:36 | Sarah C. Corriher (H.W. Researcher)
The apple juice and apple cider vinegar mixture would be fine, but we recommend holding off on the full cleanse. For now, just following the dietary changes listed in the article would be the wisest approach. It's best to always err on the side of caution when there is a child involved.

Ayurvedic Treatments for CHOLELITHIASIS... Frinds its known fact that cholelithiasis ultimate tratment is Surgery but some of these Ayurvedic treatments could be tried before going for cholecystectomy ......................................................................... In ancient texts like Madhav-Nidana, pathogenesis of gallstones is clearly mentioned. Bovine gallstones (Gorochan) are said to have medicinal properties. It was a known fact that gallstones are nothing but concretion of bile and other substances. ........................................................................................

According to ayurvedic theories, all diseases are result of imbalance in three main vital energies, vata, pitta, and kapha. These represent air, heat, and earth respectively. These doshas get vitiated, they get mixed with other body parts and are deposited in the body..........................................................................................

According to ayurveda, gallbladder is called as pittashay where digestive juices are stored. With wrong dietary habits, this area is vitiated with the doshas. Wall of the gallbladder get inflamed and if this happens chronically, this can lead to thickening of gallbladder wall. Concretion of bile, etc., occurs due to both vata and kapha doshas. Kapha provides necessary binding material and vata dries up this material to create a stone........................................................................................

Ayurveda suggests medicinal treatment for this condition. There are some panchakarmas also very helpful in treatment of this disease........................................................................


1. *KoKilaksha Kshar 1gm bd (Successful clinical trial in BHU varanasi)
*olive oil 3tsf bd with milk (omega-3 fatty acids is very useful in Gallstone treatment. olive oil is a sources of omega-3 fatty acids ) 2.Before breakfast, on an empty stomach, take a tsp of Saindhava lavanam or ordinary table salt in a glass of hot water. After drinking this, lie down for about 45 minutes on your right side. Do this once or twice a week. 3. Apply castor oil pack over the gallbladder area. Take a cup of castor oil, and soak a flannel cloth in it. Place the saturated cloth over the gallbladder area, and cover with plastic. Over the plastic, apply a heating pad, and leave it on for half an hour. Initially, do this once a day, every day for a month. Continue the treatment thrice a week, increasing use of the packs during an acute condition...................................................................................

-tamra bhsm-250mg,kapardk bhsm 250mg,haridra churn 250mg 2.arogyabardhni vati 3.pudina cap 4.vitmin b complex

-According Charak Samhita
A systemic use of Gur Green Ginger can remove
gall stone.Charak Samhita Chikitsa 12

-1-use only olive oil to prepare food
2-bhringraj swarasa-50ml mixed with mishri at empty stomach
3-in panchkarma give virechan
4-Tab. Cystone-2tab B.D

- virechana therapy helps
repeated 2-3 virechana courses at the interval of 1month helps to dissolve the stones. .avoid fatty food stufs.
.rohitakarishta,bhringarajasava, katuki kwatha,punarnava kashya are advised.

-1) the age , the number of gall stones with cholesterol levels should be considered basic for the treatment .
2) the first line of treatment should be panchkarma if all parameters r good . virechana should be the first option .
3) then daily avipattikar churna 5 gm at bed time with kutki churna 250 mg + patol churna 250 mg + punarnava 250 mg + bhringraj 250 mg - tds should be given .
4) pittahar diet & ideal lifestyle should be followed .

-For persistent pain, 1.medicines like Shank-Vati,Hingashtak-Churna, Agnitundi-Vati, Vishtinduk-Vati,Vat-Gajankush-Ras,and Triphala-Guggulu are used.If investigations reveal a high degree of inflammation in the gall bladder,medicines like Shankh-Bhasma, Praval-Panchamrut, Kamdudha-Ras, Sutshekhar-Ras and Chandrakala-Ras are used.

-.In order to remove the obstruction of gall stones,medicines like Arogya-Vardhini, Sharpunkha,Kutki,Tamra-Bhasma,Punarnava, Kalmegh,Devdangri, Bhrungraj,Bhumiamalaki, Yav-Kshar,Swarjika-Kshar,Surya-Kshar and Apamarga-Kshar are used.
3.In order to prevent a recurrence of this condition,medicines like Arogya-Vardhini, Sutshekhar-Ras and Shankh-Vati are used in low doses for prolonged periods.

..4. LIFESTYLE: The pain of gallstone colic can be relieved by application of hot packs or fomentation to the upper abdominal area. A warm water enema at body temperature will help eliminate faucal accumulations if the patient is constipated. Physical exercise is also essential. Surgery becomes necessary if the gallstones are very large or in cases where they have been present for long...........................................................................................................................................................................................5 Yogasanas for Gallstones:

Yogasanas like sarvangasana, paschimotasana, dhanurasana, mayurasana, shalabhasana and bhujangasana are effective in treatment and prevention of Gallstones.......................................................................................................................................................................................6. Other Ayurvedic medicines useful in treating gallstones include kumariasava, hingvaastak choorna, panchkola choorna, avipattikar choorna, kamadoodha rasa, sootsekar rasa, pravaalpanchaamrit, gokhshurasava, punarnavarista............................................... ................................................................................................. 7. Ayurvedic Herb: Effective Ayurvedic herbs for treating gallstones include bhringaraj, punanarnava, bhumiamla, kalamegha, ginger, cumin seeds, katuki, chiiryata, parpati, pashanabheda,katukarohini, etc............................................................................................................................................................................................8. Some naturopathy treatment : -Mix 3 tablespoons of olive oil with lemon or grapefruit juice and drink before breakfast and before bedtime. This treatment often helps eliminate stones in the stool...........................................................................................................................................................................................

-Combine equal amounts of tinctures of wild yam, fringetree bark, milk thistle, and balmony, and take a teaspoonful of the blend several times a day..............................................................................................................................................................................................

-Drinking chamomile or lemon balm tea is also helpful........................................................................................................................................................................................9.Foods to avoid:

-Since most gall bladder stones are composed of cholesterol it is important to restrict cholesterol sources like dairy product (milk, curd, cheese, paneer, butter, ghee and chocolates), red meat, chicken etc...............................................................................................................................................................................................

-Avoid or reduce foods like tea, coffee, thick gravies, processed foods and foods with preservatives...............................................................................................................................................................................

-Avoid or cut down smoking as it upsets the acid-alkali balance due to high Hydrogen ion concentration...............................................................................................................................................................................

-Avoid fat loaded and fried food..........................................................................................................................................................................................10 :Foods to eat:

-In case of acute attack, the patient should be on a diet of fluids, juices, food with no oil, lots of water-rich vegetables such as bottle gourd, ridge gourd, cucumber, lots of fruits like apple and grapes, and thin vegetable soups.........................................................................................................................................................................................

-Vegetables which are particularly beneficial are carrots, beetroot and pear...........................................................................................................................................................................................

-Include some spices in your diet like turmeric, ginger and garlic.........................................................................................................................................................................................

-Maintain optimum hydration level. Most people who have attacks of gall bladder pain are those who may be getting low levels of water which upsets the acid-alkali balance. At least 2 liters of water should be consumed per day............................................................................................................................................................................................

-Other foods which benefit are Alfa-Alfa sprouts (very powerful alkalinizer), B-complex vitamins, vitamin E capsules, mulethi (licorice)...................................................................................

Diet Cure for Gall Bladder Disorder
Surgery becomes necessary if the gallstones are very large or in cases in which they have been present for long. Smaller gallstones can, however, be cleared through dietetic cure. In cases of acute gall-bladder inflammation, the patient should fast for two or three days, until the acute condition is cleared. Nothing but water should be taken during the fast. After the fast, the patient should take fruit and vegetable juices for few days.

The juice of carrots, beets, grapefruits, pears, lemons or grapes may be used.
Diet for Gall Bladder Disorder:
After the juices, the patient should adopt a well balanced diet, which should contain an adequate amount of all the essential nutrients. Ideally, the diet should be lacto-vegetarian, with emphasis on raw and cooked vegetables, fruit and vegetables juices, and a moderate amount of fruits and seeds. Pears should be eaten generously as they have a specific healing effect on gall¬bladder. Yogurt,-cottage cheese and a tablespoon of olive oil twice a day should also be included in the diet. Oil serves as a stimulant for the production of bile and lipase, the fat digesting enzymes. High quality vegetable oil in the diet also prevents gall-stone formation.

The patient should eat frequent small meals rather than three large meals. The following is the suggested menu for those suffering from gall-bladder disorders:

Upon arising:

A glass of lukewarm water mixed with lemon juice and honey or fresh fruit juice.


Fresh fruit, one or two slices of whole meals toast and a cup of skimmed powder milk.

Mid-morning: Fresh fruit juice.


Vegetable soup, a large salad consisting of vegetables in season with dressing of lemon or vegetable oil. Fresh fruit for dessert, if desired.


Vegetable juice, one or two lightly cooked vegetables, baked potato, brown or unpolished rice or whole-wheat wheat tortilla and a glass of buttermilk.

Natural Cure for Gall-Stones:
Oil cure has been advocated by some nature cure practitioners for the removal of gall-stones. Raw, natural, unrefined vegetable oils for egg, olive or sunflower oil are used. The procedure is to take one ounce of vegetable all, preferably olive oil, first thing in the morning and follow it immediately with four ounces of grapefruit juice or lemon juice. This treatment should be taken each morning for several days, even weeks, if necessary.

The pain of gall-stone colic can be relieved by the application of hot packs or fomentation to the Upper abdominal area. A warm water enema at body temperature will help eliminate faecal accumulations if the patient is constipated. Exercise is also essential.



I. Fast on raw juices for five days. Take a glass of juice diluted with water every two hours during the day and use warm water enema to cleanse the bowels.

II. After the juice fast, adopt a lacto-vegetarian diet on the following lines:-

1. Upon arising:

30 ml. Of olive oil and follow it immediately with 120 ml. Of lemon juice or grapefruit juice.

2. Breakfast:

Fresh fruit, one or two slices of whole meal toast and a cup of skimmed milk.

3. Mid-morning:

Carrot juice or lemon juice.

4. Lunch:

Vegetable soup, a large salad consisting of vegetables in season with dressing of lemon juice or vegetable oil. Fresh fruit for dessert, if desired.

5. Mid-afternoon:

A glass of carrot or lemon juice.

6. Dinner:

Vegetable soup or juice, one or two steamed vegetables, brown rice or whole wheat wheat tortilla and a glass III buttermilk.


All meats, eggs, animal fats, sugar, white flour, all products made from them processed and denatured foods, fried and greasy foods, refined carbohydrates, alcohol, tea, coffee, spices, condiments, pickles and smoking.


1. Apply regularly hot and cold fomentation to the abdomen.

2. A cold hipbath for ten minutes on an empty stomach or three hours after meals.

3. Hot pack or fomentation to the upper abdominal region in case of pain of gall stone colic.

4. Brisk walks and yogic asanas like shalabhasana, bhujangasana and shavasana.

Gallbladder Diet

Gallbladder problems are as common as they are distressing as the amount of discomfort and pain that they cause is substantial. Before getting into the details of gallbladder diet and gallbladder disease, we shall take a look at the role that this organ plays in the human body. The gallbladder is essentially a pear shaped, small organ that is present at the right hand side of an individual’s abdomen – just under the liver. The organ plays a very important role in the digestive system of the human body. This gland is primarily concerned with the production of ‘bile’ that helps in the digestion of a number of foods – especially fatty substances. The gallbladder also serves as a storage facility for the excess bile that may have been produced and will release it when food has been ingested. Because of the important roles that the gallbladder serves in the digestive system, gallbladder removal should only be considered as a last resort when dealing with gallbladder diseases.

Some of the more common symptoms that are likely to be prominent when affected by gallbladder diseases include bloating, constipation and indigestion. These could also take place due to gall bladder eating disorders. The development of gallstones is likely to cause a substantial amount of pain when they cause a blockage in the digestive tracts of the body.

Because of the fact that gallbladder diseases are such a common occurrence, there are a number of gallbladder diet recipes that will help reduce the impact that the condition is likely to have on the quality of your life. Gallbladder diets are especially known to be very effective when dealing with smaller gallstones. Initially, it is important to have the patient rest for a couple of days and consume nothing but water. After this fasting period, the patient should switch to a diet of purely fruits and vegetables for another few days with fruits juices made from carrot, beet, pears, grapefruit and grapes being extremely effective. After this phase is completed, your diet for gall bladder should include raw fruits and vegetables as well as small portions of yogurt and cottage cheese twice a day. However, one should keep in mind that any intake of eggs, meats, animal fats as well as fired and greasy foods should be avoided while on a gallbladder diet. Another helpful tip while on a gallbladder diet is to switch to smaller and more regular meals over the course of the day rather than sticking to 3 large meals.

Submitted on November 13, 2010

Homeopathy helps woman get rid of 11x6mm-size kidney stone
TNN Aug 20, 2013, 05.27AM IST

kidney stone|Gujarati Homeopathic Medical College

INDORE: In a rare case of kidney stone in which doctors recommended surgery, homeopathy medicines came as a respite for 46-year-old woman who was afraid of going under scalpel. The medicines helped her pass out 11x6 mm stone through urine.

Rekha Bai, employed with a government hospital in nearby areas of city, had developed kidney stone of 11x6 mm, and she was gradually losing weight. Besides, she developed many complications and suffered severe pain in the past eight months.

"Doctors were recommending surgery but I was afraid of it. We visited various doctors in different cities but everyone suggested surgery. It was then I thought of consulting a homeopathy doctor. After 21 days of taking medicines, I am completely fine. Much to the surprise of the sonologist, report came out normal," said elated Rekha Bai.

The doctors have now sent the stone for chemical analysis, which will help her decide the food habits.

Professor and head, Gujarati Homeopathic Medical College, Dr AK Dwivedi said, "People undermine homeopathy and end up undergoing surgery. Rekha Bai came to us with severe complications. I prescribed seven-day medicines and extended the dose for 15 days, which helped her get rid of the pain and suffering. It is not a single case. There are hundreds of patients who have benefited from homeopathy, which is strangely not gaining acceptance."

He added, "Homeopathy medicine can help a person get rid of 4 to 8 mm stone in seven days time. In case of Rekha, the stone was of 11x6 mm size and hence it took 21 days."

Another homeopathic consultant, Dr Chetna Sharma, said, "While allopathic treatment for removing kidney stone costs about Rs 50,000, homeopathy can help a person get back to normal life at a cost of Rs 6,000-Rs 7,000 without any side-effects. The sonographies were performed at the same centre to check for accuracy."

You can not "break" stones, because most liver and gallbladder stones (99%) are made up of cholesterol, and cholesterol is a vaxy substance, not something that can break easily.

But, you can try to dissolve cholesterol stones, by chaning your diet, and by cleansing.

You can also try to make your liver and gallbladder healthier by changing your lifestyle, diet, and by doing liver cleanse.

Healthy organs are strong, flexibile, and able to push even the biggest stones out.

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 Image Embedded EXPERIENCE: What do I use to break up stones before flush?   R by  sledgehammer  11 year  45,570  Liver Flush FAQ

This is NOT my avatar. This is just randomly assigned image, until I upload my own photo. Click here to see my profile.   Questions:
> What do I use to "break" up stones before flush?


You can not "break" stones, because most liver and gallbladder stones (99%) are made up of cholesterol, and cholesterol is a vaxy substance, not something that can break easily.

But, you can try to dissolve cholesterol stones, by chaning your diet, and by cleansing.

You can also try to make your liver and gallbladder healthier by changing your lifestyle, diet, and by doing liver cleanse.

Healthy organs are strong, flexibile, and able to push even the biggest stones out.

Take a look at Image Gallery at, to see photos of huge stones that have been expelled by liver and by gallbladder.

Some stones are 4.5 cm long (almost 2 inch).
That man got that stone out on his 18th cleanse.
Big stones take time!

There are several "remedies" that work for aiding liver function and for dissolving bile stones:

- Radish juice every day!
- Vegetable juices
- Water Cure
- salt cure

- Cholagogue herbs: herbs that promote production and excretion of bile, and most popular ar: dandalion, wormwood, sage, golden seal, lobelia,...
- Coffee Enema

Herbal remedies:
- Clarkia
- swedish bitters
- chinese bitters
- copits
- gold coin grass

- many other herbs!

There are generally 3 aproaches to dealing with stones that are too big to pass throug cystic duct.

(Cystic duct is a duct connecting gallbladder with the rest of the ducts. If stones are suppose to exit gallbladder, cystic duct is the only way out.

Cystic duct is a place where big stones usually stuck, cusing pain. You can see a photo of gallbladder with stones stuck inside cystic duct here:

Approach 1:

Trying to dissolv stones - or to make them softer

Take a little magnesium ( Epsom Salt dissolved in glass of water) every day.

Diet is extremely important.
Read about watercure, DrBudwig diet

Look also here:

Clarkia tincture, Chinese Bitters, Sweedish bitters, Gold Coin Grass, Coptis, ...

All cholagogue herbs (bitter herbs that promote bile excretion) help dissolve stones.

- Coffe Enema

Approach 2: Trying to make bile ducts more flexible and stratchable

You know that parts ov vagina of some women break when giving birth.
It is happening more often those days. It was very rare or unknown in the past.
It never happens to wild animals.


Lack of magnesium
Poor diet, toxins, not enough motion, vaccination, bad fats, not enough
vitamins and minerals.
Genaraly malnutrition and poor lifestyle.

The same is with all parts of liver, gallbladder and bile ducts.

Gallbladder, liver and bile ducts can be flexible and helathy , or unflexible
and unhealthy.

What to do ?
Take a little magnesium (epsom salt dissolved in juice) every day.

Diet is very important. Read about watercure, DrBudwig diet, ...

Read experience of people fighting degenerative diseases like Cancer, Arthritis, Heart diseases.

Eat plenty of fats that you can tolerate.
Increase physical activity.

Use herbs/supplements that are good for liver.


Approach 3: any combination of approach 1 and 2.

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Re: What do I use to break up stones before flush? by  sunnyho  10 year  18,604

This is NOT my avatar. This is just randomly assigned image, until I upload my own photo. Click here to see my profile.   I have a big gallstone and its size is about 1 inch.So I want to soften and dissolve this stone before flush. I think this way can let big stones exit the cystic duct successful and decrease pain. I don't know if it is right? I have read Sledgehammer's recommend message, but in the message not mention how long we perform the procedure(Ex: eat Epsom salt..) and detailed amount.
Is anyone know that or can give me a better way to dissolve and flush my big stone ?

Thanks a lot !
Sunny Ho
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Re: What do I use to break up stones before flush? by  Hale-bop  10 year  18,505

This is NOT my avatar. This is just randomly assigned image, until I upload my own photo. Click here to see my profile.   Hi. I'm sure not as experienced as the majority of people here at this website as I just completed my first flush. But, I did get loads of stones out with Dr. Clark's recipe. I also just started on Chinese Bitters and the other one (coptis or something like that) from I hope to do my 2nd cleanse soon. In the meantime, I would think taking these 2 herbs for at least a month would be extremely helpful in helping dissolve stones. Julia, at same website, could tell you how long to take them. She's extremely knowledgeable. Be prepared, however, these herbs are really bitter.
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Liver & Gallbladder Cleanse suggested by Hulda Clark
Re: EXPERIENCE: What do I use to break up stones before flush? by  elenah  9 year  18,522

This is NOT my avatar. This is just randomly assigned image, until I upload my own photo. Click here to see my profile.   I have one question ? How much is a little of Epsom Salt it is, one teaspon, or dush, or on the end of knife?? Thank you.Elenah
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Re: EXPERIENCE: What do I use to break up stones before flush? by  Melody143  9 year  18,343

This is NOT my avatar. This is just randomly assigned image, until I upload my own photo. Click here to see my profile.   Well... THAT totally destroyed my appetite. Good pics to look at while doing a fast though.

Quick question. Since I don't want to order off the net (shipping costs and border) can I find those herbs mentioned at a health food store?

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Re: EXPERIENCE: super powered flush! by  cow6000  5 year  17,239

This is NOT my avatar. This is just randomly assigned image, until I upload my own photo. Click here to see my profile.   I have done a good ten flushes I tried this new one I found after alot of searching. To break up stones (six days prior to flush) I used up to 20,000 mg malic acid daily, ninety drops of phosfood, four to six tablespoons lecthin, and then for three weeks prior five cups a day of stone breaker. Also it suggests you take coconut oil, fish oil, and total efa for the three weeks prior and forever. Then on the day of the flush eat almost nothing absolutely no fat. Then at two stop eating, and take dandelion tea, tincure, or pills and artichoke pills, tincure, or tea all day that builds up bile pressure, then i use magnesium orotate this site recomended it too less harsh on bowels. Take 1200 to 1800 mg of it four times every hour. Then keep drinkinh or taking your dandelion and artichoke but stop an hour before, (just doing these steps i have had extremely good flushes much better than the regular) This is where you can get ALOT out like doing ten in one, You boil five tablespoons of coffee in two quarts of water then simmer for twenty mins, then add 2400 mg of the magnesium( Epsom Salt works too for all these) And do a quart coffee enema and hold it for fifeteen minutes if you cant take the other quart and do it again and keep it for fifteen mins. (this truely dialates the liver and gallbladder ducts) Then immediately after the enema drink the oil lemon mixture from all the other recipes, Then lay down flat on your back for fifteen to twenty mins, then breathe from you stomach up to your chest five times and hold each breathe for five seconds, then pump your liver forcefully left to right twice, then pump your gallbladder, you will feel stuff squirt out, when stuff stops coming out wait two minutes, and then start again and keep repeating it for an hour or two, this will get those big guys out like they are nothing! You will likely vomit and feels really sick since you got so much out, I like to wake up at like five and take some epsom salt or that magnesium so when i wake up it all comes out instead of waiting in the morning feeling like crap or doing another enema, or salt water flush.
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Preliminary clinical trials suggest that formulas containing peppermint and related terpenes (fragrant substances found in plants) can dissolve gallstones. 1

The herb milk thistle , standardized to its silymarin content, has been shown to improve the liquidity of bile, 2 although its actual effects on gallstones in real life are unknown.

Peppermint (Mentha piperita), a popular flavoring for gum, toothpaste, and tea, is also used to soothe an upset stomach or to aid digestion. Because it has a calming and numbing effect, it has been used to treat headaches, skin irritations, anxiety associated with depression, nausea, diarrhea, menstrual cramps, and flatulence. It is also an ingredient in chest rubs, used to treat symptoms of the common cold. In test tubes, peppermint kills some types of bacteria, fungus, and viruses, suggesting it may have antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. Several studies support the use of peppermint for indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome.
Peppermint calms the muscles of the stomach and improves the flow of bile, which the body uses to digest fats. As a result, food passes through the stomach more quickly. However, if your symptoms of indigestion are related to a condition called gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD, you should not use peppermint (see "Precautions" section).
Peppermint relaxes the muscles that allow painful digestive gas to pass.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Several studies have shown that enteric coated peppermint capsules can help treat symptoms of IBS, such as pain, bloating, gas, and diarrhea. (Enteric coated capsules keep peppermint oil from being released in the stomach, which can cause heartburn and indigestion.) However, a few studies have shown no effect. One study examined 57 people with IBS who received either enteric coated peppermint capsules or placebo twice a day for 4 weeks. Of the people who took peppermint, 75% had a significant reduction of IBS symptoms. Another study comparing enteric coated peppermint oil capsules to placebo in children with IBS found that after 2 weeks, 75% of those treated had reduced symptoms. Finally, a more recent study conducted in Taiwan found that patients who took an enteric coated peppermint oil formulation 3 - 4 times daily for one month had less abdominal distention, stool frequency, and flatulence than those who took a placebo. Nearly 80% of the patients who took peppermint also had alleviation of abdominal pain.
Itching and Skin Irritations
Peppermint, when applied topically, has a soothing and cooling effect on skin irritations caused by hives, poison ivy, or poison oak.
Tension Headache
One small study suggested that peppermint applied to the forehead and temples helped reduce headache symptoms.
Colds and Flu
Peppermint and its main active agent, menthol, are effective decongestants. Because menthol thins mucus, it is also a good expectorant, meaning that it helps loosen phlegm and breaks up coughs. It is soothing and calming for sore throats (pharyngitis) and dry coughs as well.
Plant Description
Peppermint plants grow to about 2 - 3 feet tall. They bloom from July through August, sprouting tiny purple flowers in whorls and terminal spikes. Dark green, fragrant leaves grow opposite white flowers. Peppermint is native to Europe and Asia, is naturalized to North America, and grows wild in moist, temperate areas. Some varieties are indigenous to South Africa, South America, and Australia.
What's It Made Of?
The leaves and stems, which contain menthol (a volatile oil), are used medicinally, as a flavoring in food, and in cosmetics (for fragrance).
Available Forms
Peppermint tea is prepared from dried leaves of the plant and is widely available commercially.
Peppermint spirit (tincture) contains 10% peppermint oil and 1% peppermint leaf extract in an alcohol solution. A tincture can be prepared by adding 1 part peppermint oil to 9 parts pure grain alcohol.
Enteric coated capsules are specially coated to allow the capsule to pass through the stomach and into the intestine (0.2 mL of peppermint oil per capsule).
Creams or ointments (should contain 1 - 16% menthol)
How to Take It
Do not give peppermint to an infant or small child. Peppermint oil applied to the face of infants can cause life-threatening breathing problems. In addition, peppermint tea may cause a burning sensation in the mouth. For digestion and upset stomach in older children: 1 - 2 mL peppermint glycerite per day.
Tea: Steep 1 tsp. dried peppermint leaves in 1 cup boiling water for 10 minutes; strain and cool. Drink 4 - 5 times per day between meals. Peppermint tea appears to be safe, even in large quantities.
Enteric coated capsules: 1 - 2 capsules (0.2 ml of peppermint oil) 2 - 3 times per day for IBS.
Tension headaches: Using a tincture of 10% peppermint oil to 90% ethanol, lightly coat the forehead and allow the tincture to evaporate.
Itching and skin irritations: Apply menthol, the active ingredient in peppermint, in a cream or ointment form no more than 3 - 4 times per day.
The use of herbs is a time honored approach to strengthening the body and treating disease. Herbs, however, can trigger side effects and interact with other herbs, supplements, or medications. For these reasons, you should take herbs with care, under the supervision of a health care provider.
Do not take peppermint or drink peppermint tea if you have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD -- a condition where stomach acids back up into the esophagus) or hiatal hernia. Peppermint can relax the sphincter between the stomach and esophagus, allowing stomach acids to flow back into the esophagus. (The sphincter is the muscle that separates the esophagus from the stomach.) By relaxing the sphincter, peppermint may actually make the symptoms of heartburn and indigestion worse.
Peppermint, in amounts normally found in food, is likely to be safe during pregnancy, but not enough is known about the effects of larger supplemental amounts. Speak with your health care provider.
Never apply peppermint oil to the face of an infant or small child, as it may cause spasms that inhibit breathing.
Peppermint may make gallstones worse.
Large doses of peppermint oil can be toxic. Pure menthol is poisonous and should never be taken internally. It is important not to confuse oil and tincture preparations.
Menthol or peppermint oil applied to the skin can cause a rash.
Possible Interactions
Cyclosporine -- This drug, which is usually taken to prevent rejection of a transplanted organ, suppresses the immune system. Peppermint oil may slow down the rate at which the body breaks down cyclosporine, meaning more of it stays in your bloodstream. Do not take peppermint oil if you take cyclosporine.
Drugs that reduce stomach acid -- If peppermint capsules are taken at the same time as drugs that lower the amount of stomach acid, the enteric-coated peppermint capsules may dissolve in the stomach instead of the intestines. This could mean the effects of peppermint are lessened. Take peppermint at least 2 hours before or after an acid-reducing drug. Antacids include:
Famotidine (Pepcid)
Cimetidine (Tagamet)
Ranitidine (Zantac)
Esomeprazole (Nexium)
Lansoprazole (Prevacid)
Omeprazole (Prilosec)
Drugs that treat diabetes -- Test tube studies suggest peppermint may lower blood sugar, raising the risk of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).
Medications changed by the liver -- Since peppermint works on the liver, it may affect medications that are metabolized by the liver (of which there are many). Speak with your health care provider.
Antihypertensive drugs  Problems associated with the Gall Bladder

The gallbladder is a small sac that holds bile, a digestive juice produced by the liver that is used in the breakdown of dietary fats. The gallbladder extracts water from its store of bile until the liquid becomes highly concentrated. The presence of fatty foods triggers the gallbladder to squeeze its bile concentrate into the small intestine.

Gallstones (biliary calculi) are small stones made from cholesterol, bile pigment and calcium salts, usually in a mixture that forms in the gallbladder. They are a common disorder of the digestive system, and affect around 15 per cent of people aged 50 years and over.

Some things that may cause gallstones to form include the crystallisation of excess cholesterol in bile and the failure of the gallbladder to empty completely.

In most cases, gallstones don’t cause any problems. However, you might need prompt treatment if stones block ducts and cause complications such as infections or inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis).

Surgeons may remove your gallbladder (called a cholecystectomy) if gallstones (or other types of gallbladder disease) are causing problems. Techniques include laparoscopic (‘keyhole’) cholecystectomy or open surgery. The gallbladder is not a vital organ, so your body can cope quite well without it.

Symptoms of gallstones

In majority of patients stone formation keeps going on with no symptoms.
The symptoms of gallstones may include:
Sudden pain in the abdomen and back. Pain is generally infrequent, but severe increase in abdominal pain after eating a fatty meal
fever and pain, if the gallbladder or bile duct becomes infected.

Types of gallstones

(i)  Mixed stones – the most common type. They are made up of cholesterol and salts. Mixed stones tend to develop in batches.
(ii) cholesterol stones – made up mainly of cholesterol, a fat-like substance that is crucial to many metabolic processes. Cholesterol stones can grow large enough to block bile ducts
(iii)Pigment stones – bile is greenish-brown in colour, due to particular pigments. Gallstones made from bile pigment are usually small, but numerous.

What Causes Gallstones?

Cholesterol accumulation in the bile is the main cause of biliary sludge and gallstones.  Cholesterol can build up in the bile for various reasons, including:

(1) Oversaturation of cholesterol in the bile.  The bile cannot keep all the chlolesterol compounds dissolved so some of them settle into your organs, turning into biliary sludge and potentially into gallstones.

(2) Underproduction of bile by the liver.  This makes the bile flow too weak to flush out cholesterol deposits from the gallbladder.

(3) Undersupply of lecithin and bile salts in the bile.  Lecithin and bile salts are fat-carrying substances especially designed to keep cholesterol molecules dissolved.

The most common triggers for gallbladder attacks are caffeine, chocolate, eggs, dairy products (especially ice cream) and greasy or deep fried foods. Symptoms may include right upper quadrant abdominal discomfort or sharp pain, gas, or fullness after a heavy meal. The pain can also spread to the chest, shoulder, neck or back.

Causes and risk factors for gallstones

Gallstones are more common in women than in men. They are also more common in overweight people and people with a family history of gallstones.

There is no single cause of gallstones. In some people, the liver produces too much cholesterol. This can result in the formation of cholesterol crystals in bile that grow into stones. In other people, gallstones form because of changes in other components of bile or because the gallbladder does not empty normally.

Diagnosis of gallstones

(i) Physical examination and x-rays
(ii) Ultrasound – soundwaves form a picture that shows the presence of gallstones: This confirms the stone and its size
(iii) Endoscope test – endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). A thin tube is passed through the oesophagus and injects dye into the bowel to improve the quality of x-ray pictures
(iv) hepatobiliary iminodiacetic acid (HIDA) scan – a special type of nuclear scan that assesses how well the gallbladder functions.
magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) – a form of the body-imaging technique magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The person’s liver, biliary and pancreatic system is imaged using an MRI unit. The image is similar to an ERCP test.

Complications of gallstones

If gallstones cause no symptoms, you rarely need any treatment.
In most of patients although the stones are there in gall bladder yet they live near normal life.

However in some cases following complications that may require prompt medical treatment include:
(i) Biliary colic – a gallstone can move from the body of the gallbladder into its neck (cystic duct), leading to obstruction. Symptoms include severe pain and fever
(ii) Inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis) – a gallstone blocks the gallbladder duct, leading to infection and inflammation of the gallbladder. Symptoms include severe abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting
(iii) jaundice – if a gallstone blocks a bile duct leading to the bowel, trapped bile enters the person’s bloodstream instead of the digestive system. The bile pigments cause a yellowing of the person’s skin and eyes. Their urine may also turn orange or brown
(iv) Pancreatitis – inflammation of the pancreas, caused by a blocked bile duct low down near the pancreas. Pancreatic enzymes irritate and burn the pancreas and leak out into the abdominal cavity
(v) cholangitis – inflammation of the bile ducts, which occurs when a bile duct becomes blocked by a gallstone and the bile becomes infected. This causes pain, fever, jaundice and rigors (shaking)
(vi) infection of the liver
(vii)cancer of the gallbladder (occurs rarely).

Treatment options available for gall Baldder problems

Treatment depends on the size and location of the gallstones, but may include:

(i) Surgical removal of Gall Bladder: Gallstones that cause no symptoms, generally don’t need any medical treatment. In certain cases (such as abdominal surgery for other conditions), doctors may remove your gallbladder if you are at high risk of complications of gallstones.
In around 80 per cent of people with gallstone symptoms will need surgery. Surgeons may remove your entire gallbladder (cholecystectomy), or just the stones from bile ducts.

(ii) dietary modifications – such as limiting or eliminating fatty foods and dairy products

(iii) lithotripsy – a special machine generates soundwaves to shatter the gallstones. This treatment is used in certain centres only, for the minority of people with small and soft stones
medications – some medications can dissolve gallstones, but this treatment is only rarely given, due to side effects and a variable success rate

Techniques to remove the gallbladder include:
laparoscopic cholecystectomy – ‘keyhole’ surgery. The surgeon makes a number of small incisions (cuts) through the skin, allowing access for a range of instruments. The surgeon removes the gallbladder through one of the incisions
open surgery (laparotomy) – the surgeon reaches the gallbladder through a wider abdominal incision. You might need open surgery if you have scarring from prior operations or a bleeding disorder.
Medical factors to consider before cholecystectomy
Before the operation, you need to discuss some things with your doctor or surgeon, including:
your medical history, since some pre-existing conditions may influence decisions on surgery and anaesthetic
any medications you take on a regular basis, including over-the-counter preparations
any bad reactions or side effects from any medications.

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
The general procedure includes:
The surgeon makes a number of small incisions into your abdomen, so that slender instruments can reach into the abdominal cavity.
A tube blowing a gentle stream of carbon dioxide gas is inserted. This separates the abdominal wall from the underlying organs.
The surgeon views the gallbladder on a TV monitor by using a tiny camera attached to the laparoscope.
Special x-rays (cholangiograms) during the operation can check for gallstones wedged in the bile ducts.
The ducts and artery that service the gallbladder are clipped shut. These clips are permanent.
The gallbladder is cut free using either laser or electrocautery
The gallbladder, along with its load of gallstones, is pulled out of the body through one of the abdominal incisions.
The instruments and the carbon dioxide gas are removed from the abdominal cavity. The incisions are sutured (closed up) and covered with dressings.
Open gallbladder surgery
The general procedure is the same as for laparoscopic surgery, except that the surgeon reaches the gallbladder through a large, single incision in the abdominal wall. Sometimes, an operation that starts out as a laparoscopic cholecystectomy turns into open surgery if the surgeon encounters unexpected difficulties, such as not being able to see the gallbladder properly.

Immediately after gallbladder surgery

After a gallbladder operation, you can expect to:

feel mild pain in your shoulder from the carbon dioxide gas
receive pain-relieving medications
be encouraged to cough regularly to clear your lungs from the general anaesthetic
be encouraged to walk around as soon as you feel able
stay overnight in hospital, if you had a laparoscopic cholecystectomy
stay up to eight days in hospital, if you had open surgery.

Complications after gallbladder surgery
All surgery carries some degree of risk. Possible complications of cholecystectomy include:
internal bleeding
injury to nearby digestive organs
injury to the bile duct
leakage of bile into the abdominal cavity
injury to blood vessels.
Self-care after gallbladder surgery
Be guided by your doctor, but general self-care suggestions include:
Rest as much as you can for around three to five days.
Avoid heavy lifting and physical exertion.
Expect your digestive system to take a few days to settle down. Common short-term problems include bloating, abdominal pains and changes to toilet habits.
Most people recover within one week of laparoscopic surgery.

Long-term outlook after gall bladder surgery
You will need to see your doctor between seven and 10 days after surgery to make sure all is well. Some rare complications may have to be followed up with another operation.

In addition to these symptoms, stones expelled from the gallbladder during contraction may become lodged within the bile duct, leading to infection.

Different approaches to gallbladder problems in conventional medicine all carry unwanted risks. The most common treatment – surgery – has as many as 10% of patients coming out of surgery with stones remaining in the bile ducts, according to the U.S. National Institute of Health. Bile duct injury is another risk. According to the Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons: “Complications of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy are infrequent, but include bleeding, infection, pneumonia, blood clots, or heart problems. Unintended injury to an adjacent structure such as the common bile duct or duodenum may occur and may require another surgical procedure to repair it. Bile leakage into the abdomen from the tubular channels leading from the liver to the intestine has been described.”

The other conventional treatment is gallstone dissolution with different drugs such as chenodeoxycholic acid (Chenix), ursodeoxycholic acid (Actigall), methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE), and ethyl propionate. These drugs only work on smaller cholesterol stones and may cause diarrhea, hepatic injury and an increase in plasma cholesterol level, nausea, pain or fever. MTBE administration (intragallbladder instillation) is an invasive procedure.


(I) FLUSH: This is a common method used by Chinese and Indian practitioners in past.

   European Gall Stone Flush : Traditional European folk medicine recommends the use of olive oil and lemon juice to flush the gallstones. But a concern is that if the stones are too big, they may not easily come out or may even get stuck on the way out.
   Chinese Gall Stone Flush :  Traditional Chinese medicine recommends the use of Gold Coin Grass (GCG) (botanical name: Herba Lysimachiae, Chinese sound translation: Chin-chien Tsao) to crush and soften the stones so that they will come out slowly. This tends to take a relatively long time. However, centuries of experience has shown that Gold Coin Grass can be taken safely without side effects.


Step 1: Use Gold Coin Grass to crush and soften the gallstones. Gold Coin Grass in tincture form, using alcohol as a carrier, has been found to be more effective than tablet or tea form, presumably because alcohol as a solvent facilitates the assimilation of the herbs. It is recommended that one to two 250 ml bottles of Gold Coin Grass tincture be used before attempting gallbladder flushing described below (one Tbsp is taken every day; therefore each bottle should take 2 to 3 weeks to finish). Two bottles of Gold Coin Grass may be necessary for individuals over the age of 50, or for who have had gallbladder problems for a long time. For some people who are ex-heavy drinkers, a burning sensation may sometimes be experienced when using Gold Coin Grass tincture but this does not seem to effect the efficacy of the herb.

Insomnia or constipation can often be a sign of liver congestion. The herbal formulas Coptis (which stimulates bile flow) and Curcuma (which increases energy flow in the liver and gallbladder) are recommended to be taken in conjunction with GCG to increase the efficiency of flushing.

Alternatively, if gallbladder-related pain is not a concern, Chinese Bitters may be taken prior to GCG in order to decongest the liver. Note: Chinese Bitters are used to cleanse and decongest the liver. They stimulate digestive juice production, so it is not recommended for anyone with acid reflux problems. However, GCG and Coptis are helpful for acid reflux, so acid reflux sufferers can take them until the problem subsides, and then take Chinese Bitters again.

Step 2: Intestinal Cleansing

1) Soak 1 tsp to 1 Tbsp of Bentonite clay in one cup of filtered water for 12 hours. Start soaking in the morning.

2) Then add ½ to 1 Tbsp of psyllium husks or plantago seeds to the clay mixture and mix well.

3) Drink and eat the whole cup of mixture immediately, followed by one cup of warm water, before bedtime.

4) Drink at least 8 cups of warm water a day, including 2 cups first thing in the morning.

5) Repeat the procedure until the stool becomes normal (usually 1 to 2 weeks), and no more intestinal cloggings are coming out.

Please note that intestinal cleansing is not necessary if you have never had constipation problems.

Step 3: Gallbladder Flush

The following procedure is based on the directions in Natural Liver Therapy by Christopher Hobbs, L.Ac., (Botanica Press, Capitola, CA;1993).

1) Eat only whole foods (un-refined foods) without fat for a whole day.

2) About an hour before bedtime (on an empty stomach), drink ¼ cup of extra virgin cold pressed olive oil mixed with ¼ cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Repeat this process every 15 minutes until a total of one cup each of olive oil and lemon juice is finished.

An alternative to this procedure is to replace lemon juice with freshly-squeezed grapefruit juice (½ cup of grapefruit juice can be used each time). A total of 1½ to 2 cups of grapefruit juice is required. It works well and tastes better than lemon juice.

3) Go to bed immediately and lie on your right side.

4) The next morning take one litre (approximately 4 cups) of warm distilled or filtered water containing two level tsp. of un-iodized sea salt. Alternatively, the addition of juice from half a lemon may be used in place of the sea salt.

5) Eat only softly cooked vegetables and broth the second day. The gallstones should come out some time during the second day.

The stones that come out are usually dark green or black in colour. They may also be brown, off-white, green or, rarely, red in colour. Stones crushed by Gold Coin Grass may come out in any shape including flat pieces or sand.

Step 3a: Liver Cleanse and Gallbladder Flush

An alternative procedure to Step 3 above combines the gallbladder flush with a liver flush. It uses apple juice fasting, as described below (based on Herbally Yours, by Penny C. Royal, Sound Nutrition; 1982). However, people with cancer, candida yeast infection, diabetes, hypoglycemia or stomach ulcer should not use this apple juice fasting procedure because of the high sugar content in the apple juice.

Day 1 – Take 2 servings of 8 oz organic apple juice or apple cider every 2 hours from 8 am to 8 pm. Altogether 14 cups will have been taken during this period. Do not take any other food or drinks except plain water.

Please note that the apple juice should not be taken cold from the refrigerator. It should be kept at room temperature or mixed with about 10% hot water before use because cold drinks chill the liver. For people with lots of stagnant bile, the collapsed stagnant bile may rush out after drinking apple juice. It may feel like having diarrhea but is actually stagnant bile (brownish yellow colour).

Day 2 – Repeat Day 1. At 8:30 pm, take ½ cup (4 oz) of olive oil (extra virgin cold pressed) mixed with ½ cup of lemon juice (squeezed from 3 lemons) or with ¾ cup of freshly-squeezed grapefruit juice.

Go immediately to bed and sleep on your right side. If there is a large amount of stones, nausea may be felt after drinking olive oil but this feeling will largely disappear on the third day after taking some food.

Day 3 – Upon rising in the morning, take 1 litre (approximately 4 cups) of warm distilled or filtered water containing two level teaspoons of un-iodized sea salt. Alternatively the addition of juice from half a lemon may be used in place of the sea salt. Wait for at least half an hour before eating.

Eat vegetable broth and softly cooked vegetables only. The stones should be passed in the stool any time between midnight of Day 2 and morning of Day 4.

Note: The purpose of drinking apple juice is mainly for the malic acid in apples. Malic acid is a good solvent for stagnant bile in the liver. Apple juice taken during fasting will dissolve and push out stagnant bile from the liver. For someone with a yeast infection or diabetes, apple juice can be replaced by malic acid in capsule or powder form. The fasting procedure is the same except that apple juice is replaced by 1000 - 2000 mg of malic acid taken with 2 cups of warm water.

Optional Extra Step

The following additional step is optional, and can be used with Step 3 or Step 3a. You may want to try it yourself and see if it changes your results.

Some time ago, I was contacted by a customer who informed me that he had done two previous gallbladder flushes without success. He decided to try something new for his third flush attempt, so he used the liver/gallbladder flush 4-pack of Chinese Bitters, GCG, Curcuma, and Coptis according to instructions. Roughly one hour before taking his olive oil and lemon juice, he noticed that he had some left in each bottle, so he took a dose of all of them together on an empty stomach. In his words, the results were “fantastic”.

This experience has since helped many others achieve a more efficient flush, including myself. My understanding is that the combination of Chinese Bitters, GCG, Coptis, and Curcuma all taken shortly before the olive oil and lemon juice helps the gallbladder contract more efficiently, which helps push out old stones from the back of the gallbladder.

I did my first four flushes (roughly 1 to 1½ months apart) in 1990. In my fourth flush, almost no more stones came out and I felt great, so I assumed that I had cleansed all of the stones from my gallbladder. Since then, I have been doing maintenance flushes once or twice a year, and in each flush, I usually release about 10 small stones. I had always assumed that these were newly formed stones, but in my last flush, I tried this additional step and took ½ tablespoon each of GCG and Curcuma, and 1 teaspoon each of Chinese Bitters and Coptis. I was surprised to pass two of the largest stones that I have ever seen, along with some small stones.

I believe that the large stones were very old stones in the back of my gallbladder, and had been there all these years when I thought there were no old/large stones left. All of my previous flushes had failed to push them out, but this time, taking this simple extra step, I was able to move them out.


When gallstones exist, the gallbladder cannot contract efficiently. Therefore only stones in the front area of the gallbladder can be pushed out in the first flush. Then stones from the back area would slowly move forward and may cause problems again. The whole process should be repeated, including the use of GCG prior to the flush. It usually takes at least 3-4 flushes to clean out all the stones. Basically the flush should be repeated until hardly any stone comes out even though you have a good flush.

The weaker your gallbladder is in contraction, the more flushes you will need in order to push out all of your stones.

A good flush means that all the loose stones are out. You feel good for at least a few days. The remaining stones are packed ones. They should be allowed some time to loosen up and get ready to come out. The interval between good flushes should be 1-2 months.

Repeating the flush too soon after a good flush may waste your effort because the packed stones are not ready to come out yet. However, you can repeat the flush any time if you’ve had an incomplete flush, which means that loose stones are still present and you never felt comfortable after the first flush.

Once stones have been formed, the gallbladder tends to be sluggish. New stones may be formed again. Therefore 1 to 2 flushes a year is recommended for maintenance. Gold Coin Grass may not be needed any more because new stones should be small and pass easily. I have been doing maintenance for years; usually around 10 to 15 small stones come out each time I do it. Chinese Bitters is the only product that I take now for maintenance, in addition to 1-2 flushes a year. I take these preventive measures because I am naturally prone to liver congestion.


If the gallbladder is loaded with stones, there is limited space in the gallbladder to store bile. This bile, which is produced in the liver, then backs up in the liver and leads to liver congestion. When the liver is very congested, nutrients or herbs, which have to go through the liver first, may not reach the gallbladder. This explains why those with a very congested liver cannot flush out their stones unless they decongest the liver first. Another problem is that bile produced in the liver, through olive oil stimulation, has to flow down to the gallbladder in order to push out stones with the help of gallbladder contraction by lemon or grapefruit juice. If the liver is congested, bile flow is restricted. As a result, there is insufficient bile in the gallbladder to push the stones out.

One of Prime Health’s products, Chinese Bitters, has been found to be very effective in decongesting the liver. It is possible to take Chinese Bitters in conjunction with Gold Coin Grass and some people do this in order to more quickly prepare for a liver/gallbladder flush. However, the added load of taking both tinctures at once may be too much strain for the liver and gallbladder in some people, particularly those who suffer from weak livers or gallbladders. If this is the case for you, then you should start with Chinese Bitters first. After a few weeks of liver decongestion, you can switch from Chinese Bitters in the morning to Gold Coin Grass.

When the Gold Coin Grass is finished, Chinese Bitters may be taken again for a few days before the flush. During the flush, Chinese Bitters can still be taken to ensure that the liver is not congested.


In some cases, especially for a person doing a gallbladder flush for the first time, the gallstones are packed so tight that they have difficulty moving out. In this situation, one may have to repeat the olive oil/lemon juice procedure and eat vegetables for an extra day. As well, Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) which dilate the bile duct may be helpful. The Epsom salt solution, prepared by dissolving 3 teaspoons of Epsom salt in 1 cup of warm water, should be taken about one-and-a-half to two hours before repeating the olive oil and lemon juice procedure. I personally dislike Epsom salts because they are harsh on the kidneys, so I would recommend them only if you feel you definitely need them.

It does happen, although very rarely, that a stone may get stuck on its way out. In this situation, the olive oil/lemon juice flush may be repeated. Three teaspoonfuls of Epsom salt in a cup of warm water should be taken 2 hours before the olive oil/lemon juice, to dilate the duct.

An alternative is one tablespoonful each of Coptis and Curcuma taken together. This combination helps to move the stone by stimulating bile flow (Coptis) and increasing energy flow (Curcuma). These herbal medicines also help to relieve pain from gallbladder attack in most cases. Furthermore, if no stone comes out during the flush on the day after taking olive oil/lemon juice, and you feel uncomfortable, one tablespoon each of Coptis and Curcuma can usually help to push out the stones or other blockages.

If one tablespoon each of Coptis and Curcuma fail to push out the lodged stone and relieve pain, it is usually due to the stone being too big to be pushed out. In this situation, some people have found the following procedure to be helpful: take 2 tablespoons of GCG to crush the stone, and wait for 1½ to 2 hours before taking one tablespoon each of Coptis and Curcuma again. The crushed stones are likely to move easier and the pain will be relieved.

A stone that gets stuck during a gallbladder flush is different from a regular gallbladder attack. During the flush, a lot of bile is produced which serves as an excellent lubricant. The pain produced is relatively dull and mild in comparison with the very sharp pain experienced in a regular gallbladder attack.


A 53-year-old woman used a patented Chinese medicine in tablet form called ‘Lidan’ (also contains Gold Coin Grass as the main ingredient) for 3 years. It did relieve her shoulder pain and reduce her gallbladder pain from constant pain to a few attacks a day. When she started using Gold Coin Grass (GCG) in tincture form, her pain was reduced to only one attack every few days within two weeks of using the tincture. After finishing one 250 ml bottle of the tincture, she did liver and gallbladder flushing, and her pain disappeared completely.

A 68-year-old man had shoulder pain which was treated as arthritis with anti-inflammatory drugs for six years. He had a severe gallbladder attack one day. Ultrasound showed that he had three gallstones. He decided to do a gallbladder flush instead of surgery.

About 20 stones were released the first time he did the gallbladder flush program which required Epsom salts. After the flush, ultrasound showed that he still had two stones. Obviously the other 19 stones that came out were missed in the first ultrasound and the two stones that remained were too big to come out. He had another minor gallbladder attack after the first flush.

In his second attempt, he took Gold Coin Grass to crush his stones and Curcuma for increasing energy flow in the liver before flushing using the apple juice program (see Step 3a above). Close to a hundred stones came out. He repeated the Gold Coin Grass and apple juice program three months later. It was after the third flush that all his symptoms, including shoulder and neck pain, disappeared completely.

A lady in her late 60s had gallbladder problems since her 20s. Early in 1998 she had a severe gallbladder attack. She refused gallbladder surgery and tried two bottles of Gold Coin Grass before her first liver and gallbladder flush (using Step 3a above). For unknown reasons nothing came out. Being determined to flush out her stones naturally, she tried again two weeks later to flush without taking any more Gold Coin Grass.

Large amounts of stones came out this time. Altogether she flushed four times within a half year period and she said she had never felt so energetic before.

Note: All of the herbal remedies discussed in this article can be ordered through your local health food store or Chinese medicine practitioner from Prime Health Products,, 416-248-2930

Article Tags: vitality, vitality magazine, chinese medicine, traditional chinese medicine, natural gallbladder flush, gallbladder, liver cleanse, gallbladder cleansing and flushing procedures, gallbladder removal, alternative to gallbladder surgery, gallstones
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PATIENT:  I would like to know how effectives is homeopathy for gallstones & the chances of its reoccurence. As I’ve been diagnosed for it & already taking the medications (Homeopathic)for it,I’m curios to know about the extent & speed of recovery.The stones sizes are about 5-3mm & are about 4-5 in numbers.

Thanking you in advance.

DOCTOR: Gall-stones do not come out very easily with medicines because the gravity is usually against them. It means, for the gall stones to come out, first them will have to move up a bit and then they will be able to traverse down. Having said that, I must add that inspite of the gravity working against the cure, homeopathic medicines are known to cure gall stones. But the success rate is very less compared to renal-stones.

Gall-stones, if silent, may not need any treatment. It is not necessary to remove the gall-bladder. For occasional flare-ups (colic), homeopathic medicines provide quick and lasting relief. If the gall-bladder is contracted or has numerous small stones (with potential of getting stuck in common bile duct), surgery may be advisable. If there is only sludge, homeopathic medicines should be able to take care of it.

Best wishes,


As per ayurved, there are 4 different kinds of kidney stone, 1) of Vaayu (gas), 2) of Pitt (Acidity), 3) of semen, & 4) of Cough.

Causes: As per ayurved, most of the stone problems are due to tridosh (i.e. combination of vaayu, pitt, cough), increase in thickness of urine, accumulation of salty substance in the way of urine flow.

Symptoms: Tympontitis (aafaro), pain while urination, very bad odor from urine, pain between anus & testicle bag, pain in the lower part of the last rib of the back, extreme pain sometime, less flow of urine, vomiting, uneasiness, bleeding (sometime).

Home Remedies:
At initial stage, more intake of radish, dissolves the stone.
Drink honey added watermelon juice.
Drink apple juice, at morning empty stomach & while sleeping.
Cardamom is good for stone.
Drink mixture of 15-30gm bitter gourd juice & curd for 3 days, after that take a gap of 3 days, then again start for 4 days, like that go on increasing number of days.
Mix potash nitrate (surokhaar) in crushed seeds of watermelon, & daily intake 3-5 gm of it twice a day with water.
Boil wheat & whole gram in water & drink that water.
To cure kidney stone, drink thandai made of watermelon seeds or mix crushed greater cardamom (elcha) in its seed's powder & intake that.
Drink decoction of radish's seeds to cure stone of kidney or bladder.
Daily drink pinch of potash nitrate (surokhaar) added spinach / radish's leaves juice.
Boil 1 tsp. fenugreek seeds in 3 cup of water till ¾ water remains, then either drink as it is or add jaggery & milk in it & drink 2-3 times a day.
Drink barley water.
Add rock salt either in buttermilk (made of cow milk) or in lemon juice & drink while standing only for 21 days or drink lemon juice added coconut water, to relieve stone via urine.
Mix old jaggery & turmeric in buttermilk & drink to melt stone.
Add pinch of asafetida & salt in 2 tsp. fresh ginger juice & intake.
Drink juice of black basil leaves.
Drink decoction of black raisin.
Smash over night soaked black raisin, add cumin powder & sugar in it & have it.
Daily drink 1 tb. Sp. almond oil thrice a day & drink lukewarm water over it or eat 10-12 cashew nuts empty stomach to relieve bladder stone.
Drink 2 tb. Sp. olive oil or lettuce's juice to relieve bladder stone.
Drink asafetida & honey added pumpkin juice twice a day.
Brinjal increases the urine flow & hence easily melts the small stones.
Make pills of jaggery & 5 crushed seeds of chikoo & have that twice a day.
Drink decoction of bitter neem leaves.
Drinking lemon juice, not only melts the kidney stone but also reduce the swelling occur due to it.
Intake finally crushed borax with plain water, to remove stone via urine.
Drink bitter gourd juice with buttermilk.
Have more of black jamun.
Drink decoction of black raisin.
Drink spinach juice.
Ayurvedic Remedies:
Mix ¼ - ½ tsp. powder of big caltrap (gokharu) seeds, 3 tsp. honey, 1 glass cow / goat's milk & drink twice a day.
Have 2 pills of chandraprabha wati thrice a day.
If stone is that of pitt, then drink sugar & shilaajit added decoction of paashaan bhed.
If stone is that of semen, then make decoction of paashaan bhed, skin of steaved tree (vaay-varno), big caltrap (gokharu), roots of castor, Indian night shade (ubhi-ringani), wild eggs plant (bhoringani) & long leaved barlaria (ekharo), mix curd in it & drink it.
If stone is that of gas, then have ½ tsp. ghee (dhrut) of paashaan bhed. Have ash of corn stick (makai dudo).
Boil big caltrap (gokharu) powder, black & white musle (kaali-dholi musli) in milk & drink.
To cure kidney stone, have more of raw mango.
Churn/crush leaves of cotton tree (kapaasiya) in milk & drink to cure kidney stone, less urine flow & gonorrhea (paramiyo).
Boil 2gm narkati churn in water, till water comes to its half & drink twice a day.
Daily have powder / sweet pickle / boiled water of chebullic myrobalan (harde/himej) twice a day.
Have Indian jalap (nasottar) & kurchi seeds (indrajav) powder twice a day.
Intake 1 tsp. powder of dry roots of winter cherry (ashwgandha) with buttermilk thrice a day.
Vanaspatikiy Remedies:
Have essence (kshaar) of forest flame (khakharo) either with sheep's urine or with decoction of big caltrap (gokharu).
Grind roots & flowers of spanis jasmine (chameli) with milk, filtered & drink daily.
Rub roots of musk melon (chibhadu) with water & lick that paste.
Drink decoction of roots of horse radish tree (saragavo).
Chew 6-8 leaves of patthar kuti with 2 black pepper.
Boil roots of pigweed (satodi) either in water or in milk & & drink.
Take 10gm juice of roots of asparagus (shataavari), mix 10gm milk in it & drink.
Filter 20-25gm decoction of horse gram (kulthi), add pinch of potash nitrate & drink twice a day.
Mix 4gm powder of horse gram (kulthi) in 20gm juice of leaves of radish & drink.
Chew 7-8 leaves of pipal tree (piplo).
If stone is that of gall-bladder, then ashes of panchaang (five parts of a tree) of long leaved barlaria (ekharo).
Have 10gm powder of roots of kankoda, with water/milk.
Rub roots of snake gourd in cow's milk/water & lick that.
Drink decoction of henna (mahendi) leaves.


The first step of any alternative therapy for cancer is to detoxify the body of accumulated toxins. In the course of searching for low cost simple home therapies for treatment of cancer, I have come across the ‘Tony Issac Oleander Protocol’ which comprise of a ‘Five Days Liver Cleanse’ at the beginning of the therapy. Though the regimen is given mainly for detoxification of the liver before applying Oleander Protocol, from the testimonials of the patients applying this regimen it has been observed that the regimen removes gallstones without operation. While this regimen is also given in detoxification section of this website, considering public health importance, it is reproduced here as a procedure for removal of Gallstone without costly & risky operation. Though it cannot be guaranteed, it is worth trying before going for actual removal of the gallbladder by operation which is a vital organ for digestion of food. It may be noted that the procedure has been already applied to a number of cancer patients for the purpose of detoxification in Assam and it is found safe without any complications so far.

After a ‘Five days regimen’ one should check-up with Ultra- sound about progress of the procedure and for removal of any left out stones the procedure should be repeated after a gap of one month.

Five days procedure for Gallbladder Stone removal without operation.

Ingredients required for the complete procedure:

Apple                                                       3 kgs.      : buy from local fruit vendor.

Epsom Salt( Magnesium Sulphate ),   50grams     : buy from local pharmacy,

Edible Olive Oil,                                     100 ml.     : buy from local grocery shop

Grapefruit (Not grapes)                                 : buy from local fruit vendor as reqd.

( or Robab Tenga/Orange/Mousambi)

It is best to have day 4 on a Saturday or at a time when you are staying at home.
Day 1: Drink 1 liter  of apple juice during the day. Eat as normal otherwise.
Day 2: Drink another liter of apple juice. Eat normally other foods
Day 3: Drink a 3rd liter of apple juice. Eat normally
Day 4: Do not take any solid food after lunch.
6pm – (There should be 6 hours gap between lunch & taking Epsom salt) Take one level TABLEspoon( 1 ½ TEAspoon)  of Epsom salt in a glass of water.
8pm – Take another level TABLEspoon of Epsom salt in a glass of water. You may find that you already have to take a trip to the toilet before the 8pm Epsom salt.( 1 TABLEspoon = 3 TEAspoons)
10pm – Mix one half glass(100ml) of olive oil and three quarter glass of freshly squeezed grape fruit juice by shaking it very well in a jar with a lid so that it mixes well and immediately get into bed after drinking the mixture. (one should lie on the right side with the right knee drawn up toward the chin for 30 minutes before going to sleep. This encourages the oil to drain from the stomach, helping contents of the gall bladder and/or liver to move into the small intestine.)You will probably make more than one trip to the toilet during the night as well as during the next day.
Day 5:
6am: Take another level TABLEspoon of Epsom salt in a glass of water
8am: Take one final level TABLEspoon of Epsom salt in a glass of water.
You will find that many gallstones from the liver will be passed and one will notice them in the toilet. They will vary in size from about pin head size to 10mm. Gallstones in the liver are a major cause of many health problems.
After 6th day of the procedure take an ultra-sound to find out how many gallstones have actually been removed. The above procedure can  be repeated every month until one finds that for two months in succession no more gallstones are passed.

Possible ‘dangers’( Note that the word dangers is within inverted comas).

Before I pass on this method to remove gallstones, I should point out that some doctors have warned of its “dangers”. They say that, if the gallstones are too big, they might end up being stuck in the gall bladder ducts and this could be dangerous. In theory, this might happen. So if you are afraid, don’t do it.

When you embark on natural remedies, whether to remove gallstones or for other purposes, you need to take responsibility for your own health and I shall not be held liable for any harm or danger that you might experience. At the same time, when you embark on natural cures, it helps also to understand the reasons behind some of the procedures.

In this case, part of the method to remove gallstones naturally involves drinking plenty of apple juice for three days. If the largest size of gallstone is more than 10 mm take apple juice for a longer period, say one week.  It is believed that some substance in the apple juice, probably malic acid, helps softens the gallstones so that the risks of them being stuck in the gall bladder ducts are minimised. In any case, if you lack the confidence, don’t do it.

Just be aware also that surgery and other medical procedures to remove gallstones un-naturally also come with their own set of risks. You decide which risks you wish to take.

However, if the largest  gallstone  measures  10mm  or less,  apparently there is no risk in this method.

The above procedure  also detoxify your liver of years of accumulated toxins due to taking oil & spices which would reduce load on your liver & improve its functioning for a good health. Therefore, the procedure may be adopted by anybody once in a year. I have done it myself once during September,11.

If you get positive result do not forget to report at e-mail: so that your experience can be shared by others.


February 15, 2013 at 3:16 pm Reply
In the case of my wife I used LEMON instead of Grapefruit and it worked perfectly. No side effect this was in September 2012

Dilip Kr. Goswami
February 15, 2013 at 4:24 pm Reply
The purpose of mixing Grapefruit juice with olive oil is to increase bile production so that bile can wash out the stones, etc. from the gall bladdar . Therefore, actually any citric fruit juice should work. By the way, whether the procedure could remove gallstones in case of your wife?

April 16, 2013 at 7:18 am Reply
Dear Doctor,

I have did my ultra sound and I got 7mm 3 small gallstones. Doctor advised me to remove gall bladder but I don’t have pain at all. I was planning to do 5 days course. Incase if it is stuck in bile duct what should I do. Kindly advise. If gall stone is there can I go for pregnancy.

Thanking you,


May 31, 2013 at 5:02 pm Reply
Hi Dilip,
The info you provided regarding stone removal from gall bladded is good. I want to try that, but I have a stone of size 1.5 CM (15 MM) is it ok to proceed with this natural theraphy. Please suggest.

Dilip Kr. Goswami
May 31, 2013 at 5:16 pm Reply
The procedure is good for removing stone up to size of 10 mm. I do not know whether it will work for 15 mm. Also there is a risk of larger size stones getting stuck at bile duct. However, you may try the procedure after taking apple juice for a longer time, say for a month or so. The malic acid contained in apple softens the stone. Decision is yours. If you do not want to take the risk, don’t do it.

June 13, 2013 at 7:15 am Reply
Hi Mr. Dilip
I have two galstones, one is about 10mm in the neck of balb bladder and other is about 12 mm in the galb bladder itself….. So will you sugest me what to do….. To try your method no?

Dilip Kr. Goswami
June 13, 2013 at 4:57 pm Reply
I do not recommend to follow this procedure if one is having stone of size bigger than 10 mm.

June 15, 2013 at 7:00 am Reply
Hi Mr. Dilip
my stone size is almost 25 mm and my age is 35 years,,,,,what u advice,,,,how many months i use juices for size reduction?,,,,,,is it painful while reduction in size?
and also tell me best juice combination.

Dilip Kr. Goswami
June 15, 2013 at 4:32 pm Reply
I do not recommend this procedure for removal of stones of larger than 10 mm. Apple juicing softens the stone so that it can pass through the bile duct easily. I do not know how much effective it is in reduction of size. However, if you continue to take fresh apple juice/apples every day it would soften the stone and you may not get any recurring pain. You may check any reduction of size through repeat sonography after every month.Please report your observations to me for my research.

dayal kaur
June 16, 2013 at 8:34 am Reply
i am 57 years old and have multiple calculi gall bladder stone measuring 0.4- 0.8 cm . can i adopt your method . in these days there are no fresh apples in the market. can i use stored apples for juice. please suggest me.

Dilip Kr. Goswami
June 16, 2013 at 4:37 pm Reply
Yes, you can use stored apple. If after following the procedure once all stones do not come out then you may repeat the procedure after a month.

Baltej Singh
June 17, 2013 at 7:51 am Reply
Hi Mr. Dilip
I am 35 years old and have multiple calculi gall bladder stone measuring 0.4- 16 mm . I adopted your method in January 2013 after that I feel no pain. But now I feel some pain again. Can I adopted it again or go to surgery. please suggest me.

June 18, 2013 at 5:19 am Reply
Hello sir
There are few calculi of 4-5 mm. in gall bladder of my mother (57 yrs.) & two tiny stones of 2-3 mm. in bile duct at distal end. Suggest me what to do .

Dilip Kr. Goswami
June 18, 2013 at 4:07 pm Reply
You may try the 5 days’ procedure for removal without operation.

Dilip Kr. Goswami
June 25, 2013 at 4:16 pm Reply
Dear Baltej Singh,

You may repeat the procedure at a gap of one month. However, this time take apple juice for a longer time, say for a week or so, & then follow the remaining part of the procedure. Even after completion of the procedure if you continue to take at least two apples a day you may get rid of pain.


July 2, 2013 at 5:12 am Reply
sir i have multiple gallstone of size 4-5 mm.what should i do..plz reply

Dilip Kr. Goswami
July 2, 2013 at 5:35 am Reply
You may try 5 days removal procedure given in my website.

Hasel Jay
July 14, 2013 at 7:55 am Reply
Thank you Dr. Goswami for posting this article. It helped in aiding my grandfather’s gallstone removal.

Dilip Kr. Goswami
July 14, 2013 at 3:21 pm Reply
Dear Jay,
kindly elaborate your experience of applying the procedure and benefit obtained. This will help others to decide on application of the procedure.

Hasel Jay
July 16, 2013 at 1:08 am Reply
Dear Dr. Goswami,

My grandfather followed the procedure as it is written on this article. The following day, gallstones started appearing. There are 28 stones so far and expecting more to come.

July 19, 2013 at 7:32 pm Reply
Did any one had an ultrasound before the procedure to confirm they had gall stones and also after the procedure to confirm that the gall stones were expelled?

I have multiple calculus in gall bladder., largest being 1.1 mm in size and I had observed 4 attacks of severe pain in upper abdomen and shoulder blade.. Should I try this procedure..? Please advise Dr. Dilip.

Dilip Kr. Goswami
July 20, 2013 at 4:19 pm Reply
Did you anytime take any treatment without a disease ? Nobody will follow this procedure unless they are confirmed about existence of gallstone through ultrasound. Again nobody will give any testimonial without getting confirmed that stones got expelled..

Since your largest stone is only 1.1 mm in size, you may safely try this procedure. Decision is yours.

July 22, 2013 at 5:00 am Reply
I have a gall bladder stone size of 8.3 mm. i am getting back pain between solders. what can i do? please suggest me.

Dilip Kr. Goswami
July 22, 2013 at 3:01 pm Reply
Go to my website & look for the blog on “Removal of gallstones without operation”.

Subir Panja
July 23, 2013 at 10:05 am Reply
How do i know the size of the gallstones?

Dilip Kr. Goswami
July 23, 2013 at 4:36 pm Reply
Through ultrasound test.

Maria Pereira
July 24, 2013 at 4:11 pm Reply
I have done my ultrasound of abdomen and pelvis. I am 62 yrs. Report is as follows. The liver normal size with two simple hepatic cyst of 1.1cm and 1.2cm noted in right lobe of liver in segment V. Gall bladder is well distended. Multiple tiny 3 – 4 mm size calculi noted in the lumen of gall bladder. The right kidney shows mild hydroephrosis with proximal hydroureter due to a 8 mm calculus in upper ureter. Advised cholelithiasis – sympotomatic Surgery evaluation and Ureterlithiasis Urology input given hydroureter, push po fluids.
In short very impressed by your sight – will the five day procedure work for me and will it even help to flush the kidney stone 8mm too and the multiple tin 3 4 mm stones from the gall bladder comes out. Please advice and how many times I have to repeat the course. Thanks in advance.

Dilip Kr. Goswami
July 25, 2013 at 3:52 pm Reply
Dear Maria,
This procedure is for liver & gallbladder flush only. For kidney stone Homeopathic treatment is the best. You may follow the procedure once for liver & gallbladder stones and look at the result with a repeat ultrasound. If all the stones are not removed, then you should repeat the procedure after one month. May be repeated every month, if required.


Maria Pereira
July 25, 2013 at 8:01 pm Reply
Dear Dilip,
Thanks for the quick response. I am definitely going to start the five day procedure and hope all the stones passes off. I will do an ultrasound after a month and if there are still some stones left will continue the same after one month. Regarding the kidney stone will try Homeopathic. I will keep you informed after my next ultrasound.

Thank you very much for all the advice.


July 31, 2013 at 3:32 pm Reply
Dear Dilip:
Recently I had ultrasound results and I have multiple gallstones with 1.1cm as the largest. Can I still go with the procedures7m thanks

Dilip Kr. Goswami
July 31, 2013 at 4:46 pm Reply
Yes, you are a right candidate. Report result after application of the procedure.

Aasish Sinha
August 3, 2013 at 1:32 pm Reply
Hello sir,
I am 27 years old and have two gall bladder stone
measuring 5mm .i had observed 2 attacks of severe pain in midle of chest. Can i
adopt your method . In these
days there are no fresh apples in
the market. Can i use stored
apples for juice. I have also gestic problem does it work in that condition? please suggest

Dilip Kr. Goswami
August 3, 2013 at 3:46 pm Reply
Since on the fourth day you will have to be on liquid diet after lunch until next morning, if you have gastric problem you may have gas formation after taking olive oil & citric juice mixture. Otherwise no other problem. It is your decision to apply or not to apply the procedure considering above.

August 8, 2013 at 5:38 am Reply
Hi Dilip,
What are the symptoms of gall bladder stones.
My husband is often complaining of indigestion with fever on and off.
He has kideney stones.
Should i try this for my husband, though we havent checked on gall bladder


Dilip Kr. Goswami
August 8, 2013 at 5:16 pm Reply
Dear Vidya,
First, check for existence of gall bladder stone through an ultrasound. Though gall stone symptom is accompanying pain, sometimes some patient do not suffer from pain. The 5 days procedure may be applied without having gall stone also as it detoxify the liver & gall bladder.


Jyothilaksshmi C.A
August 11, 2013 at 11:20 am Reply
Hello Sir,

my mother is about 64 years age and she had pain in stomach from past few days and yesterday we got to know ,she has stones in her gallbladder and she is very much tensed regarding operation. I have read the more details of removing stones from gallbladder with out opertion from your webisite.

Doctors have told us me and my brother, she has to be admitted to hospital tomorrow itself as she is having pain.

could you please advice ,more about this. do I need to go for surgical treatment or follow procedure of removing without operation.

Jyothi laksshmi C.A

Dilip Kr. Goswami
August 11, 2013 at 3:36 pm Reply
Dear Jyothilaksshmi C.A,

You may try the 5 days procedure before going for operation if the largest stone size is less than 10 mm. However, if there is acute pain seek medical help. Pain may also get relieved once apple juice is started. Some people get relieved from pain even taking 3-4 apples a day for few days. Then you may start the full procedure for removal of stones.

Maria P
August 12, 2013 at 6:26 pm Reply
Hello Sir,
First of all let me thank you once again. I completed your 5 day course and was really shocked when I saw so many green gallstones which came out on the 5th day. I sent the stone for analysis by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). The report shows positive that the sample is gallstones which weights:0.034gm and composition is Cholesterol 60% Bile 20% and Bile Pigment 20%. I will continue this 5 days procedure next month and then do my sonography of the abdomen and pelvis. I hope by then all the stones come out. Please advice how long should I continue this 5 day procedure.
Maria P.

Dilip Kr. Goswami
August 13, 2013 at 4:02 pm Reply
Dear Maria,
Thanks for reporting the result of the first cleanse. You should continue the procedure every month until all gallstones are removed.

August 23, 2013 at 3:42 pm Reply

Dilip Kr. Goswami
August 23, 2013 at 4:27 pm Reply

Anup Nair
August 28, 2013 at 2:49 pm Reply
Dear Sir,

I want to do this procedure. My last ultrasound showed gall stones, the biggest one measuring around 7mm. I am on BP medication for last six-eight months and use Telvas 40mg & Aspirin 75mg. While doing the procedure, should I discontinue the medicines that I am eating.

Kindly advise.

Dilip Kr. Goswami
August 28, 2013 at 3:05 pm Reply
You need not discontinue the medicines whatever you are taking.

Reshmi Das Chaudhuri
August 30, 2013 at 8:57 am Reply
I have been detected with a single gallstone measuring 18 mm in size through Ultrasound. Can I try out this option after consuming Apple Juice for a month? What would you sujjest?

Dilip Kr. Goswami
August 30, 2013 at 5:04 pm Reply
I do not recommend the procedure for 18 mm. size stone.

Pradeep Dagar
September 9, 2013 at 12:28 pm Reply
Hello sir: my mother is 61 yr old & she is having multiple stone in gall bladder appx 10mm ; can we apply the 5 days course to remove the stones.

Dilip Kr. Goswami
September 9, 2013 at 3:21 pm Reply
Yes, you may try.

Sangeeta dubey
September 18, 2013 at 5:09 pm Reply
Sir, my husband knew 10 days ago a stone approx 13 mm through
Ultrasound.can we do this five days procedure.he
has more pain in stomach.plz elaborate it may be a risk or not.

Dilip Kr. Goswami
September 18, 2013 at 5:15 pm Reply
Generally, I do not recommend the procedure if the largest stone size is more than 10 mm. however, you may try it after taking apple juice continuously for at least 15 days.

Sangeeta dubey
September 20, 2013 at 12:26 pm Reply

Plz tell me can I purchase reaymade apple juice
from grocery otherwise handmade apple juice will works.

thankyou sir

Dilip kumar Goswami
September 20, 2013 at 4:37 pm Reply
You should make fresh juice at home.

Anuja Dalvi
September 22, 2013 at 10:15 am Reply
Is there any other options for gallstone of 16mm?
currently I m taking atorsaveD 10 and ursodial(ulyses 300)

Dilip Kr. Goswami
September 22, 2013 at 5:29 pm Reply
Normally I do not recommend my 5days procedure when the stone size is more than 10 mm. i do not know any other alternative procedure than operation.

Anuja Dalvi
September 25, 2013 at 12:33 pm Reply
ok thank you sir

September 25, 2013 at 2:48 am Reply
Dear sir
I am an indian,I am having gall blader stone of size 7mm , can this be removed without surgery, are there doctors who recomend this in Chennai /India.

Dilip Kr. Goswami
September 25, 2013 at 4:10 pm Reply
Yes, that can be removed without operation following the simple procedure given in my website. Allopathic doctors will not recommend this as they do not know this procedure. This is a home treatment only, no doctor’s help is required. You may scroll down & read comment of Maria P.

Roxanne Barilla
September 25, 2013 at 9:33 am Reply
Hi Sir,
My mom had this sickness and she’s doing this removal operation every six months. It is okay sir?

Dilip Kr. Goswami
September 25, 2013 at 4:12 pm Reply
Check whether gallstone is removed through ultrasound test. The procedure may be repeated at a gap of one month.

Roxanne Barilla
September 28, 2013 at 12:02 pm Reply
Okay. ThankYou.

Kenneth Rodrigues
September 25, 2013 at 3:57 pm Reply
In my Son, currently aged 9, Gall stone of 14 mm was detected about 2 years back (when he was 7 years old). We put him through an ayurvedic treatment and the stone size was reduced to 4 mm. subsequesntly as we couldnot continue the treatment since we left the area, the stone grew to 10 mm. We are currently trying ayurvedic again through another doctor in our area.

Please let me know if he can take the 5 day procedure at this age and what additional care we need to take?

Dilip Kr. Goswami
September 25, 2013 at 4:16 pm Reply
If Ayurvedic treatment could reduce the size of stone to 4mm, continue the ayurvedic treatment again and follow the 5 day procedure once the stone size reduces to at least 5mm.

zahirul islam
September 26, 2013 at 3:59 pm Reply
Hello Sir,
First of all let me thank you once again
your treatment grapefruit and olive oil my sister take that in empty stomach in night
and she find morning more stone become from stomach
thanks lot

Dilip Kr. Goswami
September 26, 2013 at 4:56 pm Reply
I could not understand your statement “…. more stone become from stomach”. Please elaborate.

September 26, 2013 at 4:23 pm Reply
hello sir
how can i removed my galblader stones which is 21mm..there is only one stone..i dont want to get surgery..m only 27 years and single..please suggest
some treatment so that i can remove my ston..please help..

Dilip Kr. Goswami
September 26, 2013 at 5:02 pm Reply
I do not recommend this procedure when the stone size is more than 10 mm. In one of trailing comments from Kenneth Rodrigues it is understood that Ayurvedic treatment may reduce the size of the stone. If you can reduce the stone size to below 10 mm, then follow this procedure immediately to remove without operation.

September 27, 2013 at 2:11 pm Reply
Thanks for the info, however i would like to know if there are any other way to reduce the size of stone so that after it i may follow the procedure you have stated over here.

I am in touch with my doctor and as per them it can be pull out with some medicines but i am not sure if that is the only way i can follow or something which you can prescribe me here to find out the solutions and get this rectify.

I would really thankful to you for your instant reply.


Dilip Kr. Goswami
September 28, 2013 at 5:01 am Reply
Along with apples, you may also take one tablet of Ursocol 300 at bed time which may help in reduction of size. Ursocol 300 is an allopathic medicine for buying which you would need a prescription from a doctor.

Mahesh Choudhary
September 30, 2013 at 1:39 pm Reply
Please advise to me i have 4 mm gall stone at peasant I start homeopathy treatment and dr assure to us stone will be remove from gall balder. will in Continue homeopath medicine.



Dilip Kr. Goswami
September 30, 2013 at 4:29 pm Reply
Your purpose is to remove the stones without operation. If your Homeopath doctor has assured to remove with medicine continue that. If Homeopath fails, then you may easily try my procedure.

Dilip Majumdar
September 30, 2013 at 3:29 pm Reply
Hello Sir,

I am 72 years old and had my sonography done where in states that i have multiple 2mm calculi stones. I just wanted to whether my age is suitable for the above procedure as mentioned. Thanks for your advise.

Dilip Kr. Goswami
September 30, 2013 at 4:32 pm Reply
Since your stone sizes are only 2 mm you may easily apply this procedure. There is no age restriction for applying this procedure by any adult.

A Nikita
October 1, 2013 at 5:46 am Reply
I Mom has a Gall Bladder stone measuring 2 cm can she try this method to remove gall bladder stones.

Dilip Kr. Goswami
October 1, 2013 at 2:35 pm Reply
I do not recommend this procedure when the stone size is more than 1cm.

Sangeeta dubey
October 2, 2013 at 3:08 pm Reply
I had seen a homeopathic medicine named ‘berbaris vulgaris’
.it is in liquid form,it will take 10 to 15 drops thrice a day.can my husband
(who have13 mm stone in gallbladder) take this medicine with apple juice for 15 days or not. And sir plz suggest me how can he take apple juice in
morning or night,empty stomach or after normally food.

Thankyou sir

Dilip kumar Goswami
October 2, 2013 at 4:17 pm Reply
Homeopathic medicine can be taken with apple juice without any problem. Apple is a food only. Do not take any fruit after food, it should be taken always on empty stomach, i.e. at least half an hour before food. Also do not take any fruit during night. Take only fresh apple juice prepared at home.

October 3, 2013 at 4:37 am Reply
Hello Sir,

My mother is about 40 years old , she had a pain in stomach and back shoulder from past few days and through ultrasound we came to know that she has a stone in her gallbladder of size 4mm and also she is suffering from gas formation and menopause problem so will u please suggest us whether to follow this procedure or not.. and also tell me if we takes more than one litre of apple juice per day will cause any problem?
Thanks in advance..

Dilip Kr. Goswami
October 3, 2013 at 4:16 pm Reply
If she has gas formation problem, on 4th day after taking olive oil & citric juice mixture she may have severe gas formation. In such a condition it is better not to follow the procedure. However, if she still want to follow, she may try with half dose of the mixture on the 4th day and if everything goes well on the next day may try with full dose.

October 3, 2013 at 5:23 pm Reply
I have a single gallstone of 6mm without any symptoms .i am also trying to plan a family so please advise if this procedure is safe during planning and what are side effects if any especially of Epsom salt

Dilip Kr. Goswami
October 4, 2013 at 4:01 pm Reply
Yes, safe & no side effect. However, if you have problem of gas formation you may have gas problem after taking olive oil+citric mixture on the 4th day.

October 3, 2013 at 5:58 pm Reply
Please also advise shall I have apple juice on an empty stomach first thing in the morning or can have anytime and do I have to drink 1litre in one go or can take in intervals and what should be the gap in drinking juice and meals .Thanks

Dilip Kr. Goswami
October 4, 2013 at 4:08 pm Reply
Juice from one kg of apple may be taken in intervals. Meal should be taken half an hour after juice.

October 4, 2013 at 11:35 am Reply
Thanks for your reply sir, your suggesting to take half dose of the mixture so can u elaborate me the mixture? should i take 50ml of olive oil with three quarter glass of juice or how it is?

Dilip Kr. Goswami
October 4, 2013 at 4:11 pm Reply
Half dose of both olive oil & citric juice.

October 5, 2013 at 12:29 pm Reply
Can I take saredon for headache while I am doing this cleansing with Apple juice . Can this cleansing be done during the monthly cycle . If one feels gastric after taking olive oil can I have Ocid or any other medicine to ease out the problem

Dilip Kr. Goswami
October 6, 2013 at 3:38 am Reply
I don’t think Seredon would affect the procedure.
What is the urgency in doing the cleansing during monthly cycle? Better don’t do.
Yes, you can take any antacid if you face severe gas problem.

Bharat Chaudhari
October 7, 2013 at 10:32 am Reply
There was a light pain in the right side of my abdomen and consulted to the Doctor then I did ultrasound then I got the result that I have multiple calculi in gallbladder. Now, the Doctor told me that you should undergo for removal of gall bladder for your pain.

Dilip Kr. Goswami
October 8, 2013 at 3:05 pm Reply
If the largest stone size is less than 10 mm, you may try the procedure at least once before operation.

October 8, 2013 at 6:48 am Reply
Having read your article and a few others on the internet the cleansing process is a recommended way of getting rid of gallstones.
My mother has been recently diagnosed with one gallstone; with a size of 13 mm. Also, I have read above that if the stone is above 10 mm this procedure is not recommended. Is there any other way to address this scenario other than opting for a surgery to remove the gallbladder?

Dilip Kr. Goswami
October 8, 2013 at 3:15 pm Reply
If you can get the stone size reduced below 10 mm by some other treatment( Ayurbedic, Homeopathic or alopathic ) then you can follow this procedure. Also she may take apple juice continuously for 15 days along with one ursocol-300 tablet every night before going to bed which may reduce stone size.However, ursocol-300 need to be prescribed by an allopathic doctor.

October 8, 2013 at 1:11 pm Reply
Dear Doctor,

You have mentioned that you would not recommend this procedure if the size of the stone is more than 1cm. I have a stone of 1.2 cm. you had mentioned that if the stone gets stuck in the duct it can be dangerous. Can you pl explain in such a situation what happens and how to handle the situation if it happens. Can you please explain. Thank you, Mahadevan.V.

Dilip Kr. Goswami
October 8, 2013 at 3:17 pm Reply
If the stone get stuck in the bile duct, operation is the only solution.

Abu Hadi
October 8, 2013 at 5:19 pm Reply
My mother has been diagnosed with 3 gall bladder stones (average 7mm each as per the ultrasound report). She is diabetic with sugar level of minimum 110 up to 230 & BP [110-190]. She is taking ‘Glucophage’ for sugar and ‘Amtas’ for blood pressure.
Doctors advised her to go for a quick laser surgery. We are seeking second advise whether it can be treated in natural way. I just came across this beneficial information. Would you please advise, if she can go for this natural treatment?
Awaiting your kind advise.

Dilip Kr. Goswami
October 9, 2013 at 6:00 am Reply
The procedure may be applied by Diabetic & high BP patients also.

October 9, 2013 at 12:12 pm Reply
On the day 4 when I have to take Epsom salt n no solid food after lunch ……if I take Epsom salt at 7 when should I have soup or milk …..I will be taking Epsom salt today n had my lunch at 1.30pm ….tea at 5

jagdish kumar
October 9, 2013 at 2:07 pm Reply
Sir, I m 28 year old & I found the 11mm stone in my gallbladder in my ultrasound report.can I do this process?

Dilip Kr. Goswami
October 11, 2013 at 5:35 pm Reply
Since your stone size is slightly larger than 10 mm, you may try the procedure after taking apple juice for longer time( say for a week). Also you may take one Ursocol-300 tablet at bed time with prescription from a doctor.

October 10, 2013 at 3:39 am Reply
When can I have normal food after taking last dose of Epsom salt ……when I took 6pm dose n 8pm dose of it I had 2-3motions but after taking olive oil I dint and even in the morning not ….please advise is it ok

October 13, 2013 at 5:23 am Reply
I did the procedure but the stones are still there but I did see green stone like things floating in the flush . I had a single stone of 6mm but after procedure ultrasound shows 8mm. I think what we see green stone like things floating is actually olive oil mixed with our bile taking shape of lumps and we think they are stones .i am very disappointed as now again I have to reschedule my surgery which I postponed because I thought home remedies would help

October 17, 2013 at 7:01 am Reply
Dear Sir,

During my recent health check up , been diagnosed with contracted gall bladder with 13mm stone. Please advice how I can reduce it and till how much time so that can adopt your procedure after reducing 10mm

Dilip Kr. Goswami
October 21, 2013 at 5:18 pm Reply
Normally I do not recommend this procedure when the stone size is larger than 10 mm. However, you may try the procedure after taking apple juice for longer time( say for 10 days) instead of 4 days given in the procedure. Also you may take one Ursocol-300 tablet at bed time with prescription from a doctor.

Sudershan Maheshwari
October 20, 2013 at 3:01 pm Reply
Hello Sir,

My Grand mother is 84 years old and it was found in diagnosis that there is one 18mm stone in Gallblader, she is not fit (mentally and physically) to remove this stone through operation, please suggest me the best option of treatment without operation.

Thanks in anticipation.

Dilip Kr. Goswami
October 21, 2013 at 5:39 pm Reply
It is not advisable to do the procedure when the stone size is 18 mm. If he is not fit for operation, mentally & otherwise, he should take 2-3 apples a day which would relieve from pain. Also he may take one Ursocol-300 tablet at bed time with prescription from a registered medical professional.

P. Varadharajan
October 25, 2013 at 5:45 pm Reply
Dear Sir,
Generally, doctors are advising that Diabetic patients not to take apple and other fruits. I am aged 65 and I am a diabetic and BP Patient and is under medication for the past 8 years. In this context can I have this apple juice therapy inspite of being Diabetic patient. No where this diabetic concept has been discussed. Kindly advise me in this regard.

Posts tagged How To Remove Gallstones Without Surgery

Oh no…I have a large 22mm stone found in my gall bladder! I’m trying out a natural remedy to remove the gallstones…
April 20, 2009 · Filed under For Good Health, Natural, Home Remedies For Health · Tagged a large gallstone, Apples for Health, Dr. Lai Chiu Nan's Gallstone Natural Remedy, How To Remove Gallstones Without Surgery, Natural Remedy for Removing Gallstones, What to do when we have gallstones, What to do with gallstones

Important ! – Please note that this natural flush may or may not work for you and that you will do this at your own risks. I will not be held responsible for any problems you may have after the flush. I am sharing my experience here for the benefit of those who want to try this flush first before they opt for a gallbladder removal surgery. If you feel MORE pain during the flush, please go to the hospital immediately for treatment!

Added on 08 November, 2012 – Please read comment # 321 below for interesting lab or scan results after doing this flush

Added on 16 November, 2012 – You can read up the FAQs on this natural method of removing gallstones at Master atan’s Forum and post your questions THERE  as well. He has done this natural flushes for 20 years already. :idea:


Two images of my gallbladder (the round dark shape) from my ultrasound scan taken on 20 April, 2009. The white crescent on the left image with two X’s is the gallstone measuring 2.23 cm inside the gall bladder. The one on the right is my gallstone  from another view.

Added on 11 May, 2012 – Please note that I did not go back for another ultrasound scan after having completed about 5 to 6 gallbladder flushes by now because of 2 reasons :-

1. I don’t want to pay for the second ultrasound scan

2. My gallbladder feels perfectly alright now, without gastric attacks and no pain. I can eat sour, spicy and rich/creamy foods without any problems for 3 years now.

3. This physical proof is enough to convince me that I am alright ===> after my first gallbladder flush, I no longer feel any sharp pain in my gallbladder region when I press down hard and deeply into that area. Before my flush, there would be a sharp pain even when I brush lightly into that general area.

Added on 22 July, 2012 – Read “An anti-cancer herb that is good for treating gallstones and kidney stones”


Home remedy for removing gallstones prescribed by Dr Lai Chiu-Nan

(Please read the comments below for my detailed experience and outcome of trying out Dr. Lai’s method)

Added on 11 May, 2012 – some blog visitors here had also tried out this flush, with most reporting success. However, there was one case whereby the person had to go for surgery in the end.

11 May 2012 – I have uploaded below  2 gallbladder ultrasound scans of blog visitor, Corina from Romania, and she was very nice to allow me to post her pictures showing 2 gallstones measuring 15.5mm.  and 16.3mm (see comment # 173 below). She has successfully done a natural gallbladder flush a few days ago. In a few months, she will go back to her doctor for a follow-up ultrasound scan of her gallbladder  to see if her gallstones are still there and she will upload her pictures here for us to see.

Added on 01 November, 2012 – Since I posted this article, I had done 7  Dr. Lai Chiu Nan ‘s  apple juice natural method of gallbladder flushes over 3 years on the following dates ===>

1st Flush – 27 April 2009
2nd Flush – 14 May 2009
3rd Flush – 4 July 2009
4th Flush – 12 May 2010
5th Flush – 26 December 2011
6th Flush – 20 July 2012

7th Flush – 27 October 2012


** My original post written on 20 April, 2009 ===>

Good afternoon, dear friends :D

Last night, I suddenly had severe gastric pains and my husband had to take me to the hospital. After some examinations and an ultrasound scan, it was confirmed that I have a large gall stone in my gall bladder – it is 2.2 cm or 2/3 inch long. :shock:

After further consultations with the gastro surgeon, I was told to go for surgery to remove my gall bladder. He said this was the only solution as the gall stone is too big. I have never liked the idea of surgery and my only times spent overnight at the hospital were when I delivered my four children. :roll:

Nevertheless, this sudden development in my health has got me really all shaken up and I am really terrified of this surgery. My husband and I have yet to set a date for this proposed surgery as we want to find out more information on gall stones and the repercussions of have my gall bladder removed.

We did asked the surgeon what will happen to me when I don’t have a gall bladder…he didn’t give a satisfying reply and we are now under the impression that he just wants to make some money out of this surgery. :roll:

In a short while, I am going back to the hospital (it is a private hospital) to have a gastro scope done of my stomach…the surgeon wanted to be sure that my stomach is ulcer free and check for some bacteria there.

In the meantime, I have spoken to a few people – Master atan, my healer friends Yoong Cheh and Chimmal – and thus far, they have all suggested that I delay the surgery to remove my gall stone first and in the meantime, I can follow some proven natural remedies to get rid of my gallstones. They have some friends who had carried the natural remedies successfully….

So, I am going to try this Natural Remedy of Removing Gallstones (READ THAT POST for more feedback from people who have tried this natural gallbladder flush)  for about 3 rounds (I was told the second round is even better in getting rid of gall stones)……hope you can wish me luck and success in doing this and I don’t have to go for surgery.

I will keep you posted of my gallstone elimination development following the Natural Method here and if it works (no, I should stay positive and tell myself “IT WILL WORK”), you would know this is indeed a good and effective way of removing gall stones.

I have copied my earlier post of this natural remedy of removing gall stones here for your easy reference…it uses Apple Juice (can add fresh apples also), Epsom Salt and Olive Oil..


Good afternoon, dear friends :D

Yesterday, Master atan, a retired healer and fengshui Master, posted at his Dhealing forum HERE  a way of removing gallstones that is safe, natural and tested – without going for any surgery. I was very impressed by this method and thought I would share it here with you as I’m sure many people will benefit from this technique.

Master atan said that gall bladder stones today can be easily removed by operation and the so called laparoscopy, a process using laser to remove the gall bladder stones. But there are still ways we can take other than to undergo these expensive treatments, surgeries and medicines to help you cured of gall stones.

Master atan had tried this method himself and has recommended it to many people to follow, advising that this is good and safe.


Gallstones may not be everyone’s concern but may lead to cancer. We all have them (big or small, many or few). “Cancer is never the 1st illness. There are a lot of other problems leading to cancer. I came across some materials stating that people with cancer usually had stones,” said Dr Lai Chiu Nan of  Taiwan.

One symptom of gallstones is a feeling of bloatedness after a heavy meal as if you can’t digest the food. If it gets more serious, you feel pain in the liver area.”

Dr Lai offers the apple juice treatment which is good for those with a weak liver. Liver and gallbladder are closely linked.

1) Drink 1 glass (250ml) 100% apple juice 4 times a day for 5 days. 1 glass at breakfast, 1 glass at lunch, 1 glass at dinner & 1 glass before going to bed. It softens the gallstones. Eat normally.

2) On the 6th day, skip dinner. At 6pm, take a teaspoon of Epsom salt (magnesium sulphate) with a glass of warm water. At 8 PM, repeat the same for purging purpose. It helps to flush out all solid stuff. It also opens and dilates the gallbladder ducts. At 10 PM, drink half a glass of olive oil mixed with half a glass of lemon juice. The oil lubricates the stones to ease their passage. Lemon juice helps to extract the stones out from gallbladder .

Soon you will purge again. This time you can find greenish stuff floating in your toilet bowl, if you have gallstones. “You may want to count them. I have had people who passed out 40, 50 or up to 100 stones.” as told by Dr Lai. “Even if you don’t have any symptoms of gallstones, you still might have some. It’s always good to give your gall bladder a clean-up every now and then.”

Something more to share by Master atan -

“Dr Lai Chiu Nan’s “6 Days Apple Juice Treatment” works wonderfully to remove gallstones in a natural way. I came to know this more than 10 years ago and many of my friends had benefited from this treatment without going for operation.

Mr AT almost had his gallbladder operated in the hospital in 1996. When we met up just a few days before his operation appointment, he gave it a try when I told him about this apple juice treatment. The doctor was surprised of the disappearance of gallstones when Mr AT went to the hospital for a re-examination. He passed on this good news to his friends and relatives so much so that whenever a person wanted to buy Epsom salt from the pharmacy in that town, straight away the sales personnel at the pharmacy knew that it’s for the removal of gallstones treatment.

Mr LMK also drank the apple juice and passed out the gallstones. Mr AY called me and asked for the apple juice treatment for his Indonesian worker who refused to go for operation. According to Mr AY, his worker suffered great pain and could hardly walk. One week later, Alan called again saying that his worker still suffered the pain. I told him to bring his worker to see Mr LMK who could give a testimonial to him so that he would repeat the 6 Days treatment one more time. Later I received good news from Mr AY that his worker was able to walk without pain after passing out the gallstones. No operation was required. Mr LMK also told me that the worker thanked him many times whenever they met each other in town for the encouragement and confidence given to him.”

Master atan said that in order for it to be more effective, drink green apple juice. You can buy 100% pure apple juice from supermarket in 2 liters packing. The treatment needs 6 liters only (4 x 250ml = 1 liter per day). Nevertheless, do include apple juice as one of your daily drinks. It’s good for you, he said.

There you have it – a really safe and natural way of removing any gallstones. I’m going to try this out to see for myself and then get my husband to do it also. A word of caution though, I believe we should be aware of the high sugar content of consuming so much apple juice over the 6 days and it is best to cut off all other sources of sugar intake during this treatment period. Also, since it is spanned over 6 days and we are expected to purge a few times on the 6th day, it is best to start this treatment on a Monday or Tuesday…leaving the weekend free to be spending more time in the toilet.

I wish you all good health always,

1. Herbal Medicine : Dr.Ahmad, Mobile:+919873877639
2. Homeopathy : Dr. Rahul , Mobile: +919899000998


how to remove gall stone without surgery

For Details contact Dr. Rahul 09899000998 at Delhi & Dr. Anwar 09278869600/09540465995 at Delhi

12 Noon
Stop eating all solid food

6.30 pm
Stop drinking all fluids

7.00 pm
Using a measuring device, pour ¼ cup (four tablespoonfuls) of olive oil and drink it.

Follow immediately with one or two tablespoonfuls of lemon juice.

Lie down and relax.

Repeat this every 15 minutes. Sit up, swallow it and lie down again. If possible, have someone else bring them to you.

Relax, read or watch television. Keep as still as possible. It is best to lie on your right side.

Repeat the exact dosage every 15 minutes until you have swallowed all of the pint of olive oil. If there is any lemon juice left, drink it all.

It is now probably 10.00 or 10.30 pm

Remember, if you have terrible nausea or vomiting sensations, use the peppermint oil in the olive oil, or chase the olive oil with a small amount of V8 or pineapple juice, until you can resume taking the plain olive oil and lemon juice.

While you are taking the olive oil and lemon juice, if it gets hard to swallow, take a little more time between doses. Try 20 minutes between doses, or 25 minutes. Try to swallow all of the oil and lemon juice. If you are too nauseated to get it all down, take as much as you possibly can.

You have finished the olive oil and lemon juice. Now go to bed and do your best to go to sleep. Lie on your right side. This position speeds up the process of the olive oil entering the gall bladder to act as a lubricant. This, along with the softening action of the lemon juice, will help to free the stones more easily and readily from the gall bladder. Stay in bed and forget everything until the urge to go the toilet comes.

That was really quite simple, wasn't it?

About 2.00 or 3.00 am you'll probably wake up with the unmistakeable urge to go to the toilet. It may not happen. For some, it doesn't happen until 11am the next day. If your first bowel movement is at 2.00 or 3.00 am you will probably have no stones in it, but you'll want to check to be sure.

When you have the first bowel movement after the cleanse, you'll use the pitcher of water and the paint stirring stick to wash the fecal material through the net. Pour water gently and use the stick to separate the stones from the fecal material. The fecal material will be runny and wash through the net.

You can use the index card, folded in half, as a makeshift shovel. Place the stones in the jar and screw the lid on. You may want to show your stones to some people. Many will be amazed, but some will still be unbelievers. You certainly want to keep your stones for a while to remind yourself that it was all worth while. After a few days they will dissolve (because of the lemon juice and oil). If you want to keep them for an indefinite period, store them in your freezer with a label - GALL STONES. DON'T' EAT!!!!

You may notice green objects and maybe greenish liquid excrement in the toilet bowel. Those are small gall stones. Some gall stones may be dissolved by the treatment.

Dr Lewis found that 1% of people failed to pass gall stones. If you are one of these 1%, don't be disappointed. In some individuals, the powerful action of the lemon juice causes the stones to dissolve before they are passed out of the body. IF you have only greenish liquid bowel movements, the cleanse has been effective.

For Details contact Dr. Rahul 09899000998 at Delhi & Dr. Anwar 09278869600/09540465995 at Delhi

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Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

They Have It So Wrong Again

Gallstones are believed by the medical establishment to be formed inside the gallbladder: not the liver. They are thought to be few in number, instead of hundreds. Supposedly, gallstones are not linked to pains other than gallbladder attacks. Orthodox doctors believe these things, because whenever patients have acute gallbladder pain, some of the stones have already moved inside the gallbladder, and they are big enough, and sufficiently calcified enough to view with X-rays. The stones inside the liver are rarely noticed. It is where gallstones actually originate.

Whenever the gallbladder is surgically removed, the acute gallbladder attacks disappear, but the bursitis, other miscellaneous pains, and digestive problems remain. Those who have had surgical removal of their gallbladders frequently continue to get bile-coated stones elsewhere that are identical to the supposed gallstones described by medical literature. Doctors virtually never mention this to patients, and promote the surgeries as a permanent cure.

For the sake of long-term health, gallbladder surgery should be avoided, if at all possible. Therefore, it is unwise to go to a hospital for gallbladder issues, unless the problem becomes truly unbearable. We offer a pain relief solution that helps substantially. However, we do realize that there are occasional cases, which require emergency intervention. In the worst cases, a person could use the remedy cited below before leaving for the hospital, or consume it during transit; and hopefully the problem will be resolved by the time that the person arrives.

Fast Pain Relief from a Gallbladder Attack

Drink 1/4 a cup of apple cider vinegar (preferably stored in glass). If possible, also chase it with 8 ounces of apple juice (preferably organic), or mix both together. Most of the pain should disappear within 15 minutes.

Prevention and Treatment of Gallstones

The following natural protocol helps to correct liver dysfunction, in addition to helping combat gallstones (liver stones). It will holistically improve a person's overall health too.  Several of the recommendations target cholesterol, because stones are often made of cholesterol.

Reduce fat intake overall, especially unnatural and toxic fats like hydrogenated oils, soy, and canola. Natural fats (like butter) are better, but they should be used in moderation nonetheless.
Omega-3 supplementation is recommended by way of flax seed oil capsules.
Niacin (Vitamin B3) is helpful for people with cholesterol or skin problems.
Red yeast rice reduces cholesterol, and its active compound is used to make pharmaceutical drugs for cholesterol. This has the benefits of the drugs, without the dangers, addictions, or expense. For years, the F.D.A. tried to block sales of unprocessed red yeast rice and supplemental extracts, because they competed with the patented drugs that are based on the same rice; so the all-natural rice was conveniently reclassified as a 'drug'. This has become a common trick ever since the U.S. Congress forbade the F.D.A. from regulating nutritional supplements, in lieu of similar abusive behaviors.
Sunlight exposure converts the excess cholesterol reserves stored inside skin into vitamin D-2, which is later used by the liver to make vitamin D-3. Therefore, sunlight helps in multiple ways. It dramatically boosts the immune system.
Exercise. No explanation should be required.
Milk thistle (available as a supplement) is a liver tonic.
Dandelion root (available as a supplement) is another liver tonic.
Avoid soy lecithin and all soy products. Soy products can have disastrous effects upon hormone balance, and this is especially true for women. The phytoestrogens inside soy products attack the thyroid. The presence of gallstones has been shown to have a relationship with hormone imbalances. Also, be advised that all soy is now genetically engineered.
Vitamin C makes cholesterol more water soluble, allowing a body to better eliminate excesses.
Turmeric increases the solubility of bile.
Consume apple cider vinegar, lemonade, or apple juice regularly. Supplementing with several tablespoons of apple cider vinegar per day is best.
Castor oil transdermal packs neutralize inflammation. A rag must be soaked in pure, cold pressed castor oil that is obtained from a health food store beforehand. The excess should be squeezed-out just prior to use. Next the rag should be placed on bare skin over the organ. Put a piece of plastic on top of the rag. Then place a hot water bottle on top of that. The hot water bottle should be made as hot as possible, so long as the patient can tolerate it. If the person is numbed by drugs or otherwise, then use some common sense in helping the person to get an appropriate level of heat. This transdermal system should remain in place for a minimum of 30 minutes, and doing this daily will benefit most patients. It is also recommended that the immediate area underneath the patient be covered in plastic too, because some of the castor oil will run down onto furniture or floors.
Licorice is another liver tonic.
The 2-Day Naturopathic Gallbladder Cleanse Procedure

There are other, more thorough cleanses available, but these take a minimum of a week to implement. Anyone trying to rid himself of gallstones wants fast relief.


1/2 cup of cold pressed, extra virgin olive oil
1 large grapefruit (or 2 small)
3 lemons (optional)
4 tablespoons of Epsom salt
3 cups of fresh grapefruit juice or fresh apple juice
Chamomile supplements

Test to see if you have a bad reaction to Epsom salt by holding about a 1/4 tsp. of it in your mouth for about half a minute, and then swallow it. If there are any problems, then this entire procedure is a no-go. This test is essential for safety, because an allergic reaction to the massive amounts used later could be fatal.
This is a 2-day procedure, so ensure that you have two days that are completely free of obligations before beginning. Most people should begin on a Saturday.
Try a chamomile tea to test for ragweed and chamomile allergies.
Discontinue all medicines, vitamins, pills, and herbs if possible.

Eat a no-fat breakfast and lunch, such as cooked cereal with fruit, fruit juice, bread and preserves, bread with honey, baked potato, or vegetables that are salted only. Consume no butter, milk, or cheese. These fat-free meals allow bile to build up and develop increased pressure within the liver.
2:00 P.M. -- Discontinue all food. No cheating! Breaking this rule can later cause illness and a failure of the flush. Prepare the Epsom salt solution by mixing 4 tablespoons with 3 cups (24 fluid ounces) of grapefruit juice or apple juice inside a large jar. This makes four servings of 3/4 a cup. Place the jar inside a refrigerator to get it cold (this is for convenience and improved taste). Grapefruit and apple have properties that aid the cleanse, in addition to making the procedure more bearable.
6:00 P.M. -- Drink one serving (3/4 of a cup) of the Epsom salt solution. You may add 1/8 tsp. of Vitamin C powder to improve the taste. You may also drink a few mouthfuls of water afterward, or rinse your mouth. Place the cold-pressed olive oil and grapefruit on the kitchen counter to warm up.
8:00 P.M. -- Repeat by drinking another 3/4 cup of Epsom salt solution. Ready yourself for resting, because timing is important for success.
At 9:45 P.M. -- Pour 1/2 a cup of olive oil into the pint jar. Wash grapefruit in hot water and dry. Then squeeze out the juice, by hand, into the measuring cup. Remove the excessive pulp. You may add lemon juice to improve the flavor. Add the juice(s) to the olive oil. Seal the jar tightly and shake it vigorously. This should make at least 1/2 a cup (3/4 a cup is better) of this mixture, but do not drink it yet. Visit the bathroom, even if it makes you late for your ten o'clock drink. Do not be more than 15 minutes late, or you will expel fewer stones.
10:00 P.M. -- Drink the olive oil solution. Take four 300 mg. chamomile capsules with the first sips to help you sleep through the night. Drinking through a large plastic straw helps it go down easier. You may use oil and vinegar salad dressing, or straight honey to chase it down between sips. Have these ready in a tablespoon on the kitchen counter. Make certain you drink it standing up. Get it swallowed within 5 minutes (fifteen minutes for very elderly or weak persons). Lie down immediately afterward on your right side. The sooner that you lie down, the more stones you will get out. Be prepared for bed ahead of time. Do not bother with clean up, because timing is very important. Try to keep perfectly still for at least 20 minutes after laying. You may feel a train of stones traveling along the bile ducts like marbles. There should be no pain because the bile ducts are dilated to full size, due to the Epsom salt solution. Go to sleep.
Next Morning -- Upon awakening, take your third dose of the Epsom salt solution. If you have indigestion or nausea at any point, treat it with ginger supplements, and wait until it has passed before drinking the Epsom salt solution. If you absolutely can not hold the ginger in the stomach, then hold the ginger powder in the mouth for direct blood absorption through your cheek tissues. You should return to bed after you have finally consumed the Epsom salt solution. Do not begin this step before 6:00 A.M.
Two hours later -- Take your final dose of the Epsom salt solution and return to bed again.
Two more hours -- You may finally eat again. Begin with only fruit juices. Half an hour later, eat fruit. After another thirty minutes, you may eat regular foods, but keep the meal light. By evening, you should feel recovered.
Conclusionary Remarks

Expect diarrhea during this procedure. It is normal, so do not be alarmed. This regimen does not butcher an already weakened body, and leaves the person stronger in the long term. It is cheap, fast, effective, all natural, and generally very safe. Unlike modern medical treatments, these methods will usually cure the problem, instead of merely suppressing the symptoms until the problem becomes much worse.

Disregard our entire cleansing procedure if you have allergies or other negative reactions to any of the ingredients used for it.

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Search Comments (62)
Date: 11/03/2009 Time: 12:24:32 || Seven  - Gallstones
Wish my sister had known about this 10 years ago. She was suffering from (what turned out to be) gallstone pain. She had no idea what is was and became a bit frightend. Went to her regular doctor, who told her she was having 'panic attacks' and gave her an anti-anxiety prescription. For the next 2 years, she kept having pain off and on. Various doctors told her it was stress and anxiety, acid reflux, indigestion, etc. Finaly got so bad we took her to the emergency room. She was given a 'test' and was told it came back negative for gallstones, then was told to go home and rest. 30 mins later we took her back, they did an x-ray and 'what do you know!' tons of gall stones and an infected, inflammed pancreas. Both of which they then proceded to surgicaly remove from her.

Date: 11/03/2009 Time: 09:54:18 | C. Thomas Corriher (Managing Editor)
Those are just unimportant 'parts' that can be removed without serious long term consequences, right? Let me guess... she has severe diabetes now, along with major hormone imbalances causing various other health problems that require a drug dependence for the rest of her life? Funny how that always seems to happen.

They could have tested her with a tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar, and this would have been a more accurate test. No radiation required! Of course, they can't 'patent' or 'regulate' Apple Cider Vinegar. It's not "real" medicine in other words, unlike their "safe and effective" medicine.

Date: 11/04/2009 Time: 08:17:21 || Seven  - Gallstones
She is doing alright now. Did have hormone imbalance for a while after that. And of course they gave her anti-depressants for it. After that happened is when I started researching holistic and natural medicine. I helped her learn about staying away from 'precription' meds, processed foods, bad sugars, etc, etc. She mostly eats a vegetarian diet now with alot of fruit and some chicken thrown in once in a while, but no other meats.
Not sure if it is related at all, but about 5 years after the surgury, she got pregnant and had a baby girl who turned out to be deathly allergic to tree nuts, especialy peanuts. Would be interesting to see if it is realated somehow. Otherwise (thanks to holisting living) my niece is now a very healthy fruit and veggie loveing kid!
Date: 11/04/2009 Time: 04:43:02 | C. Thomas Corriher (Managing Editor)
The new generation of bizarre food and latex allergies is almost always a result of vaccinations. We wrote about why and how this happens in issue 2 of our magazine.

Date: 05/12/2010 Time: 10:49:40 || Willmilline
Please e-mail me exercises for someone coming off gallbladder surgery?

Date: 05/12/2010 Time: 12:29:52 | C. Thomas Corriher (Managing Editor)
If you have gone under the knife, then your highest priority is that you do not injure yourself (further). A rupture or opened incision could lead to dire consequences, so please proceed with great caution. It is not often that you'll see "ask your doctor" coming from us, but this is certainly an exception. Your doctor and surgeon should be experts on minimizing damage after surgery. At least we hope they are. Mild exercise like walking could be beneficial if taken in great moderation, but frankly I think what you need most is rest and recovery time. Be sure to eat plenty of healthy fats. Pile on the Omega-3, butter, yogurt, red meats (preferably organic) and etc., and eat anything that your body craves, even if it is normally considered unhealthy. During times of extreme stress, it pays to trust your body to tell you what it really needs, and sometimes it is something surprising. Listen to your body concerning the diet, not "the experts".

Date: 06/12/2010 Time: 09:47:44 || Mel
I have a question about soy. If it's so problematic, why have Asian women used it for years w/o consequence? Is genetic engineering the only reason? thanks

Date: 06/13/2010 Time: 09:19:29 | C. Thomas Corriher (Managing Editor)
I'm sure the genetic engineering plays a large role, but don't be so sure that Asia women have not had problems. Spend a little time doing research into hormonal diseases for Asians, and you're likely find to yourself surprised. At the same time, take note that Asians overall are also less likely to even get diagnosed properly (if at all) due to inferior allopathic medicine. Finding problems is one of the things that allopathic medicine does best (that and emergency medicine).

Another problem with soy is that it produces natural hormonal pesticides that prevent insects from reproducing (causes sterility), and these same anti-hormones effect humans too. The processing (or fermentation) that is used to make the soy "safe" plays a large role in how safe it actually is. Supposedly, the ancient methods were much safer than the modern chemical industry ones.

"The amount of phytoestrogens that are in a day’s worth of soy infant formula equals 5 birth control pills"

? Mike Fitzpatrick, toxicologist

Read this article for the dirty details: Soy is Unfit for Human Consumption

Date: 07/07/2010 Time: 15:46:07 || Mike Lambert  - Gallbladder
For years I suffered from frightening bouts of gallbladder pain, not knowing what they were. I was a young man and gallbladder problems were, I thought, largely confined to the 'fat, fair and forty' set and mainly women's concerns. It was finally diagnosed as gallbladder trouble and I had it removed, thinking that that would be end to it. Well, yes, and no. I now have, some 15 years after the surgery, a big scar down my stomach, which I have learned to live with. But I suspect that things have never been particularly easy for me since the surgery. I seem to have a fairly low tolerance for much in the way of fat, and have had problems with swollen lymph glands. I also suspect that my testosterone levels might not be as high as they might be. I'm now 52. What's your take on this?

Date: 08/16/2010 Time: 10:41:17 || Brisbanner
I also underwent a gallbladder removal as a young man of 21 years of age. The medical report said my condition was "highly unusual" for my age and sex. I have not had a repeat of the attack symptoms since it was removed, (thank goodness, ouch!) and 12 years later, I regret not knowing what I know now, but life goes on! Thank you for posting this remedy. No doubt will be a wonderful help for many, many people, no surgery required!

Date: 10/06/2010 Time: 20:13:30 || Missy
I had my gallbladder removed 15 years ago and now i have awful pain that doctors diagnosed as stones in my bile duct. I got all the stones removed but 2 months later I have pain agin on the right side. I wonder if I should follow the cleansing treatment anyways.

Date: 05/14/2011 Time: 18:33:37 || transuster
I skipped the epsom salts and passed 20 stones after two days of frightening pain (something stuck in the colon). Never saw gallstones before - real scary.

Date: 05/21/2011 Time: 05:37:52 || Donna MillsBergen
My girlfriend is scheduled for surgery to remove her gallbladder next friday before she's had a chance to cleanse because her doctor told her that the ultrasound shows that her gallbladder is black and might be leaking. Is there any hope for a homeopathic, cleansing after this diagnosis?

Date: 05/24/2011 Time: 20:55:34 | Sarah C. Corriher (H.W. Researcher)
In that position, we would most certainly try. The body is never the same after an organ has been removed. It is designed to heal itself, and with your help, this can almost always be achieved.

Date: 07/26/2011 Time: 21:32:07 || Krissy
I had my gallbladder out when I was only 18 .I am now 33.The past three years I have had pain in the area where my gallbladder was.I can't tell you how many times I have been doubled over in pain and have gone to the ER and they have done blood work and xrays and say "Oh you are fine maybe it is just scar tissue".Funny they were real quick to take it out but never really explained to me how I would be after it was taken out and now if I have pain they act like it is all in my head.

Date: 03/21/2012 Time: 08:09:38 || Justine
I had what my doctor thinks was a gallbladder attack last week. I have been slowly recovering. But symptoms keep popping up. The latest one confuses me. I have a sore throat. Just started yesterday. Exactly one week from the attack. I am trying to figure out if the two things are related or if I might be coming down with something on top of this? Thank you for the great advice in this article.

Date: 07/09/2012 Time: 09:28:24 || Samantha  - sam
No message. I do want to ask a question. I am a female, age 67, very good health. Last week, I was told I have "layers and layers of stones in my gallbladder." Naturally, I was told that surgery is the "only cure", do you agree?

Date: 07/14/2012 Time: 22:37:30 | Dyanne Martin
I have been having what my doctor describes as gallbladder pain for about 7 months now. At first I thought I was having a heart attack because the pain was mainly in my chest radiating through my shoulder, back and arm (all right side). Dr. did an EKG and saw no evidence of heart problems/disease. My ultrasound showed no evidence of gallstones or gallbladder inflammation but my liver enzymes were slightly elevated and I had a slightly fatty liver. I changed my diet drastically (only good fats, fresh fruits and veggies with occasional organic meats) and started exercising. As long as I ate healthy foods the pain was much less frequent, almost non-existent, for several weeks. Now the pain is back and I am having heart palpitations as well. I am also experiencing, like Justine above, what feels like a sore/achy throat, also on the right side. Is this common for gallbladder problems? I didn't want the surgery at first but I just want this nightmare to end. I tried an Epsom salt cleanse once before but now it is all back. Do I need to do this cleanse more than once? The one that I tried was not exactly the same as yours but close. So glad I found this site. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Date: 09/28/2012 Time: 18:53:08 || leanne  - gallstones
I was told a few yrs ago that I should hav my GB removed, after being horribly treated by the surgern when I was in the gown and ready for the opp I got dressed and walked out not having it done.
Recently I'm getting allot of pain and prescribed allot of pain killers for this of which I do not take all the time just when really needed. But I also have panic attacks. In this last week I've had loads and seems to always be there, very anixious and had to have an ambulance sunday night as I thought I had another blood clot in my lung! I was told it was a bad attack but I've never been this bad with then daily and I can not sleep either. Can the GB make me have these panic feelings like this? As I don't understand my stptoms and my gp is not nice at all and not helpful.

Date: 10/29/2012 Time: 02:39:37 || Lisa  - Gallbladder Attack
Well like many of the stories I've read here, I too have been having periodic pain in my mid-chest that's can be mild to severe. I've had the tests and they say everything is normal.

However pain like this is not normal. It's 130 in the morning and I decided to try one of the remedies written above.

1/4 cup apple cider vinegar and apple juice. It was ironic that I had both in the house because I rarely use either.

Getting back the apple cider was a tough job, it burns the throat and makes you think it's going to come back up, the apple juice was a welcome chaser.

It said wait 15 minutes and the pain will be gone. I thought it was too good to be true, but by golly, it worked completely.

Now I'm tempted to try the Epsom Salt treatment.


Date: 11/03/2012 Time: 16:42:02 || Bill  - cleanse while breastfeeding
Hello , i am wondering for my wife if this is ok for her to do while breastfeeding? It seems ok? Thanks!

Date: 11/04/2012 Time: 12:53:36 | Sarah C. Corriher (H.W. Researcher)
The apple juice and apple cider vinegar mixture would be fine, but we recommend holding off on the full cleanse. For now, just following the dietary changes listed in the article would be the wisest approach. It's best to always err on the side of caution when there is a child involved.

Ayurvedic Treatments for CHOLELITHIASIS... Frinds its known fact that cholelithiasis ultimate tratment is Surgery but some of these Ayurvedic treatments could be tried before going for cholecystectomy ......................................................................... In ancient texts like Madhav-Nidana, pathogenesis of gallstones is clearly mentioned. Bovine gallstones (Gorochan) are said to have medicinal properties. It was a known fact that gallstones are nothing but concretion of bile and other substances. ........................................................................................

According to ayurvedic theories, all diseases are result of imbalance in three main vital energies, vata, pitta, and kapha. These represent air, heat, and earth respectively. These doshas get vitiated, they get mixed with other body parts and are deposited in the body..........................................................................................

According to ayurveda, gallbladder is called as pittashay where digestive juices are stored. With wrong dietary habits, this area is vitiated with the doshas. Wall of the gallbladder get inflamed and if this happens chronically, this can lead to thickening of gallbladder wall. Concretion of bile, etc., occurs due to both vata and kapha doshas. Kapha provides necessary binding material and vata dries up this material to create a stone........................................................................................

Ayurveda suggests medicinal treatment for this condition. There are some panchakarmas also very helpful in treatment of this disease........................................................................


1. *KoKilaksha Kshar 1gm bd (Successful clinical trial in BHU varanasi)
*olive oil 3tsf bd with milk (omega-3 fatty acids is very useful in Gallstone treatment. olive oil is a sources of omega-3 fatty acids ) 2.Before breakfast, on an empty stomach, take a tsp of Saindhava lavanam or ordinary table salt in a glass of hot water. After drinking this, lie down for about 45 minutes on your right side. Do this once or twice a week. 3. Apply castor oil pack over the gallbladder area. Take a cup of castor oil, and soak a flannel cloth in it. Place the saturated cloth over the gallbladder area, and cover with plastic. Over the plastic, apply a heating pad, and leave it on for half an hour. Initially, do this once a day, every day for a month. Continue the treatment thrice a week, increasing use of the packs during an acute condition...................................................................................

-tamra bhsm-250mg,kapardk bhsm 250mg,haridra churn 250mg 2.arogyabardhni vati 3.pudina cap 4.vitmin b complex

-According Charak Samhita
A systemic use of Gur Green Ginger can remove
gall stone.Charak Samhita Chikitsa 12

-1-use only olive oil to prepare food
2-bhringraj swarasa-50ml mixed with mishri at empty stomach
3-in panchkarma give virechan
4-Tab. Cystone-2tab B.D

- virechana therapy helps
repeated 2-3 virechana courses at the interval of 1month helps to dissolve the stones. .avoid fatty food stufs.
.rohitakarishta,bhringarajasava, katuki kwatha,punarnava kashya are advised.

-1) the age , the number of gall stones with cholesterol levels should be considered basic for the treatment .
2) the first line of treatment should be panchkarma if all parameters r good . virechana should be the first option .
3) then daily avipattikar churna 5 gm at bed time with kutki churna 250 mg + patol churna 250 mg + punarnava 250 mg + bhringraj 250 mg - tds should be given .
4) pittahar diet & ideal lifestyle should be followed .

-For persistent pain, 1.medicines like Shank-Vati,Hingashtak-Churna, Agnitundi-Vati, Vishtinduk-Vati,Vat-Gajankush-Ras,and Triphala-Guggulu are used.If investigations reveal a high degree of inflammation in the gall bladder,medicines like Shankh-Bhasma, Praval-Panchamrut, Kamdudha-Ras, Sutshekhar-Ras and Chandrakala-Ras are used.

-.In order to remove the obstruction of gall stones,medicines like Arogya-Vardhini, Sharpunkha,Kutki,Tamra-Bhasma,Punarnava, Kalmegh,Devdangri, Bhrungraj,Bhumiamalaki, Yav-Kshar,Swarjika-Kshar,Surya-Kshar and Apamarga-Kshar are used.
3.In order to prevent a recurrence of this condition,medicines like Arogya-Vardhini, Sutshekhar-Ras and Shankh-Vati are used in low doses for prolonged periods.

..4. LIFESTYLE: The pain of gallstone colic can be relieved by application of hot packs or fomentation to the upper abdominal area. A warm water enema at body temperature will help eliminate faucal accumulations if the patient is constipated. Physical exercise is also essential. Surgery becomes necessary if the gallstones are very large or in cases where they have been present for long...........................................................................................................................................................................................5 Yogasanas for Gallstones:

Yogasanas like sarvangasana, paschimotasana, dhanurasana, mayurasana, shalabhasana and bhujangasana are effective in treatment and prevention of Gallstones.......................................................................................................................................................................................6. Other Ayurvedic medicines useful in treating gallstones include kumariasava, hingvaastak choorna, panchkola choorna, avipattikar choorna, kamadoodha rasa, sootsekar rasa, pravaalpanchaamrit, gokhshurasava, punarnavarista............................................... ................................................................................................. 7. Ayurvedic Herb: Effective Ayurvedic herbs for treating gallstones include bhringaraj, punanarnava, bhumiamla, kalamegha, ginger, cumin seeds, katuki, chiiryata, parpati, pashanabheda,katukarohini, etc............................................................................................................................................................................................8. Some naturopathy treatment : -Mix 3 tablespoons of olive oil with lemon or grapefruit juice and drink before breakfast and before bedtime. This treatment often helps eliminate stones in the stool...........................................................................................................................................................................................

-Combine equal amounts of tinctures of wild yam, fringetree bark, milk thistle, and balmony, and take a teaspoonful of the blend several times a day..............................................................................................................................................................................................

-Drinking chamomile or lemon balm tea is also helpful........................................................................................................................................................................................9.Foods to avoid:

-Since most gall bladder stones are composed of cholesterol it is important to restrict cholesterol sources like dairy product (milk, curd, cheese, paneer, butter, ghee and chocolates), red meat, chicken etc...............................................................................................................................................................................................

-Avoid or reduce foods like tea, coffee, thick gravies, processed foods and foods with preservatives...............................................................................................................................................................................

-Avoid or cut down smoking as it upsets the acid-alkali balance due to high Hydrogen ion concentration...............................................................................................................................................................................

-Avoid fat loaded and fried food..........................................................................................................................................................................................10 :Foods to eat:

-In case of acute attack, the patient should be on a diet of fluids, juices, food with no oil, lots of water-rich vegetables such as bottle gourd, ridge gourd, cucumber, lots of fruits like apple and grapes, and thin vegetable soups.........................................................................................................................................................................................

-Vegetables which are particularly beneficial are carrots, beetroot and pear...........................................................................................................................................................................................

-Include some spices in your diet like turmeric, ginger and garlic.........................................................................................................................................................................................

-Maintain optimum hydration level. Most people who have attacks of gall bladder pain are those who may be getting low levels of water which upsets the acid-alkali balance. At least 2 liters of water should be consumed per day............................................................................................................................................................................................

-Other foods which benefit are Alfa-Alfa sprouts (very powerful alkalinizer), B-complex vitamins, vitamin E capsules, mulethi (licorice)...................................................................................

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